Windows Software

Is there any way to change the information Mozilla reports to web pages about itself and the system its on? I've manged it with IE6 and regedit. Eg at the mo its; Mozilla/5. 0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.

Virus senders try a new approach - Cunning.....not!
Well after getting home from work this evening I logged on to collect all my e-mail for the day. Below is a cut & paste of the message I received: From: brentford43 Subject: Worm Klez. E immunity Klez.

Cannot log in with new users on my computer
Hi there, I'm trying to create a user account on my system for games. However, when I try to log in, I don't get past that blue screen background default. It's like it doesn't want to load the Explorer shell at all.

Outlook Express backing up quesiton....
Some time ago, I downloaded a utility that allowed me to back up some messages. I burned the files to CD then got my new computer. . . . I didn't really HAVE to have those messages w/ my new computer so I just re-set up my email etc.

IIS... file there on webserver, but "File not found&quo
Arrgghhh. . . this is pissing me off. I'm using Win2k Server and IIS to host a web site. . . And I have used IIS before and know how to use it. But for some reason my my Win2k machine when ever I got to my website I get a File not found 404 error.

Anyone tried using Ghost 2002 with 2k and 2 bootable drives?
I'm tring to image a drive on a computer with 2 bootable drives and can't. I tried sysprep but that doesn't work. I get a 'mshta. exe error' message when I open up add/remove programs after I image the drive.

odd IE problem
ThC 129
I installed some programs lately and then uninstalled them. Now everytime i start IE, the process starts then it takes about 30-40 seconds for the window to come up. Anyone else experienced this or know how to fix this?? I had it happen before and had to reformat.

McAfee update
Hey I got McAfee Virus Scan 6 but when I said to download updates I decided to stop because it was taking too long. So now everytime I log onto the net the little icon comes up where the time is shown and it's saying it's downloading the DAT file for McAfee.

How to: Office2k disc that auto fills in the serial field?
The company I work for has a site license for Office 2000. My department does quite a few office installs/reinstalls. The copies of office I burn don't last very long because they get scratched to all hell.

strange problem with embedded video in IE..
hey all. i have problem viewing pages in IE that has video (WMV) embedded on them. . . happend first on this one. . . then i tried some more. . from and all windows media. . problem is. . with 29.

Windows Messenger Tabs
Ok, this has bothered me for some time, how do I get more TABS to show up in Windows Messenger (I know trivial but its been bothering me for some time now). My only choices are Microsoft. NET Alerts and MSN Money.

at TV remote control programs for laptop IR port?
I'm looking for a program that will run on a computer that can control the IR port on a laptop and can be used as a remote control for a TV. . . Does anyone know of any? Thanks. .

REALLY old games
I am wondering is it possible to get old dos games to work on win2kpro??? the games I am speaking of are Tex Murphy:the pandora directive, Tex Murphy: under a killing moon, and (the REALLY old one) MASTERS OF MAGIC!!!!!!!~ if anyone can help me out I would me much appreciative Orc

Win 2000 High Memory Usage and Poor Performance
Hey I have got a problem with a windows 2000 machine i have built: When the computer is first turned on and task manager is opened when the performance tag is opened the memory usage meter is running fairly high.

Win DVD Sound Very Quiet
I am running a copy of WinDVD 3. 2 and i have a 4 speaker setup but windvd insists in putting it in 3d sound meaning it runs very quietly any ideas.

Lost left pane when viewing a folder
Running Win 2k: This isn't using explorer, but just opening up a folder or drive with the web view on the left and the entries on the right. The preview pane is gone. Happened before and I had to re-install Win 2k to get it back but I reaslly don't want to do that again.

Message Recall in Outlook 2000
Hi guys, I sent an e-mail in Outlook 2000 and I tried recalling the e-mail but I never got anything back saying whether it was successful or not. I am sure I checked the option that will let me know whether the recall was successful or not.

Windows Application Compatibility Toolkit 1.5- Where?
Anyone know where I can download this? The link at the microsoft site does NOT work. Here's the link for good measure: After Agreeing, you end up with a error page =( Also, the new version (2. 6) doesn't seem to work in Win2k with SP3 installed (I get an error about not being able to load a database).

Norton AntiVirus 2003 Beta
Ok. . . . I downloaded NAV 2003 beta. . . . . but when I go to get rid of it I get an error msg that says that a fatal error occured and that the process can't continue. Soo. . . I blew away the NAV folder and removed almost everything that referenced NAV in the registry.

SP1 problem
I can't get Winxp SP1 to work smooth on my computer, everytime I close a window explorer, I have this delay, everything pauses for about 1 second, for example, when open windows explorer, browse around, close it and right click on something or click on the start button, it pauses for 1 second and then the menu pops up.