Windows Software

I'm trying to fix a WinXP pc that cannot open any secure web pages. When I attempt to do so, I get the page not found error. I was told that encryption/security has failed in IE6, & needs to be corrected.

Windows 2000 Distributed File System Performance
Hey Everyone I'm looking for some opinions about the performance of Windows 2000 Distributed File System (DFS) when dealing with a very large number of small files. Please reply with personal experiences using DFS and any impact on performance of the servers.

SANDRA 2003 LINK for download
dont' want to come off spamming, don't forget to click on the button requested on the page. TIA get your sandra 2003 there!.

VB help
Hi all, Hope someone can help me. I was doing some VB6 programming for a co-worker. I'm just learning this from the book so I don't know much. Here's what I did. I created a simple quoting matrix gride and the forms/formula works fine.

URL of SP3 Survey.
Oh I almost forgot here's the URL to that I posted here. You'll notice that 11 people said they liked SP3 and one person said no! That's pretty darn good. Ciao Amigos, Christian.

Scheduled Tasks - Could not start
Recently, I noticed that all of my scheduled tasks have could not start under the status column. I created a new task for one of my backups, and that one works fine, but all my others still won't start.

problem with win2k & scanner events
Hi All, I've just upgraded my PC (XP2000+, MSI KT3 U2, 256M, GF4ti4200) and at the same time gone to a clean install of win2k (inc sp2). Most things work fine but I am having big problems with my scanner.

Office XP Pro conflicts with my RealMagic Hollywood Plus...
Morning all. I recently did a clean install of Win2K Pro. Prior to that I had WinME which for the most part ran quite well despite public opinion experiences. To say the least I had to load Win2K on for certain apps I needed that would only work with Win2K.

Disallowing Users from Installing Application
Hi Guys, I have a single Administrator account that everybody uses at home. Now everyone who uses this account can install any application. Is there a way to restrict them from doing it. Something like i can turn some policy on and whenever i want to install a program i can turn it off.

OFFICE XP PRO ERROR 1328 under Win XP Pro
Hi ! I'm new here in these forums, but I got a question. . . . . . . . I recently installed Office XP Professional with FrontPage in my computer running Windows XP Pro. I installed it using the Administrator account.

need new dx9
Four and Twenty
so i installed a dx9 beta a little while ago on. NET on my compurter and now i need a new version cause the beta has expired. i am a beta texter for windows and not dx9 so i don't knoe where to get an update.

PLEASE HELP ME! Strange IE 6 error!!!!!
PLEASE, I NEED HELP!!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO. . . . I'll try to write a short post but it will be difficult considering how strange the problem is and info I have. THESE ARE MY COMPUTER SPECS: Intel Desktop Board CC820 for Pentium III Intel Pentium III Slot 1 @ 600 Mhz 250 Watts Power Supply 320 Mb PC133 ...

DVD/MP3 Decoder - Which One Would You Suggest?
One Old Jedi
Of the two plugins, Intervideo and Sonic/Ravisent, which DVD/MP3 decoder for WinXP would you suggest?

Messenger 5 Logging
Is there anything out there to enable MSN Messenger 5 message logging? Unfortunatly Patchou's Messenger Plus! addon does not work with MSN Messenger 5. .

Problems with Sygate Office Network
Hi, I am using Sygate Office Network 4. 2 (build 803) for NAT on my Gateway computer. . . But the problem is that it stops working after some days (usually after one or two days of uptime) and sometimes restarting the sygate engine fixes the problem but other times not and I have to restart my server.

Bootvis for win2k ?
i know of a program called bootvis which makes winxp boot faster. i was wondering if there is anything similar available for win2k, it doesnt have to be necessarily bootvis, just an equivalent. thanks a lot guys Hardtofin.

Windows 2000 SP3 causes problem with scsiport.sys driver
I downloaded and installed on my system Windows 2000 SP3 this morning. The installation went fine but on the reboot next i got a BSOD says IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (typical driver problem) with the scsiport.

Worperfect 10 very slow and buggy on WinXP
I have installed the latest service pack for wordperfect but still does not run well. I thought it was better than Office.