Windows Software

Well fireburner starts up and i click to burn and the widow just shuts and the burn light stays on on my burner and dosent burn. And i tyred that aspi layer trick for xp reg edit and cdr win still doesnt find my burner.

What is the best antivirus?
Hi guys In your opinion, what is the best antivirus to use with this setup?: Athlon XP 1800+ SIS 735 256 PC133 Win XP Pro I used to work with karspersky, but someone told me that it causes troubles in Win XP.

windows nt 4.0 dr watson errors when trying to setup aol 5.0
i can install aol but when i goto setup modem i get dr watson error can any one help

WinOnCD 5 PE
One Old Jedi
Recently saw this at (sorry for saying a dirty word) Frys. I've heard about it's past versions with the only complaint being it wasn't available here. Is this a worthwhile consideration for CD burning software?.

Office SP3 Not Installing!
I get an error that says Unexpected Office Version and then the SP3 install exits. Why? :x.

Updating BIOS under win2k?
Is it possible? If it is, then how? and can i do it without the use of my diskette drive? Bossen

List of all INCOMPATIABLE applcations
GREETINGS FELLOW HUMANS, I want to know Is there any place I can find all the applications and Hardware which incomptiable alone (Getting a list which includes both compatiable and incompatiale requires lots of work to get a list of only incompatiable apps).

What is the best program to clone my C drive???
I just got a new HD and I have a shiatload of stuff installed I don't want to have to go reinstall everything. Can someone give me a few links or suggestions on how I can clone my current windows HD to my new one??? Thank you!.

Win 16 subsystem
Does anybody know what the win 16 subsystem is and how to manipulate it? At times under XP when I try to open an old GUI based application, I'll get a message that the win 16 subsystem is low on memory, and that I should restart the computer.

HELP Accidently deleted all files in my prefetch directory
I must have misread the tweak. now i get errors everytime I try to run anything. The errors say something about pre-writing error and data is lost. .

Deton. 40.72 WHQL released on 11/11, Now!?
Appraently these WHQL files for XP and 2k(seaprately) are available on nvidia website this evening. Dont konw whats up though, but they are dated 11/11/2002!?.

Manipulating registry files
Dirty Harry
Anyone know of a way to edit/change the registry of a non-running XP installation ? I have a dual boot system (normally XP1/XP2), and I refresh the XP2 partition fairly often. The XP2 is just an image of XP1 which I use for testing purposes etc.

Internet Explorer 6 - Drag Link Not Working
Hello all, Unfortunately, I have no idea what changed in my system, but suddenly today, IE6 stopped allowing me to drag links directly into the address bar. I almost always drag links from pages into the address bar, because it is an easy way of preventing pages from opening links in new windows, but now, when I dr ...

HD Tach 2.61 says CPU utilization at 56% , Could it be...
because im using a promise at-100tx2 controller card for both my HDs?

3DMark 99 MAX Pro (MadOnion or FutureMark)
Has anyone managed to get 3DMark 99 working under WinXP??? I've tried several things including running it in compatibility mode. . . After installation, attempting to run the software results in an error complaing that DirectX 6.

Clearing RDC history list.
I use a public computer and am trying to figure out how to clear the connection history in Remote Desktop Connection. I have searched the registry and even tried killing some DLLs, but no luck. Anyone know where I might find it? Technet had nothing to offer.

Changing Favourites Icons In MSN 8
I was wondering here for anyone who is using MSN 8, if there is anyway to change the icons that are next to each favourite in your favourites menu back to their default (butterfly on paper). In IE you can right click the favourite and then go to properties, and change icon, however this doesnt appear to be an optio ...