Windows Software

Morning all. I was just wondering if anyone knows of a simple http tag or asp script to launch the WMP to connect to my WME server? Thanks in advance as always. .

What the hell is with this _vti_cnf in every damn folder ?!!
I don't even remember what I installed that caused this problem. Or what I did. But it's driving me freakin' insane. Every damn folder I look in has a folder name _vti_cnf inside. WTF are all they for? And WTF did all come from? Please help!! ThanX in advance.

Which is the best freeware trojan scanner?
Im looking for a good freeware trojan scanner for the NT family of OSes. Peferably one that doesn't hog all the resorces and is easy to configure and update. It will be running on PCs from a 133 to a P4 that use NT4/2000/XP (Home & Pro), and will be running alongside other antivirus and firewall software (Tiny PFW ...

Windows Longhorn...
Sorry, I've been out of the loop for awhile concentrating on my HW+ issues but is it true that Microsoft is supposed to have a new OS around the corner code named Longhorn? If it is then what's the new features that will make anyone choose it over XP (which the final server version isn't even out for yet)? Thanks i ...

IE6 and passwords
Hi guys, you know when you type a password and IE6 asks if you wana store it? How do u retreive that option. I accidentally clicked never ask me this again, whereas i want it back. Thnx for ur help.

Printing in A4 Size problem.
Hi, I have a problem when i try to print in A4 paper size. The A4 is not the default setting, the default is Letter. Now, i want to change this settings from letter to A4 and keep A4 by default, but after change this settting, when i try to print again, the application (word, excel, outlook, etc, etc,) send page in ...

XPpro/sp1 slipstreaming and .icc profiles problem
Before slipstreaming my XP/Pro with SP1 (final) i used it as an ordinal update. That way i had some (about ten) icc & icm color profiles installed as default under windows/system32/spool/drivers/color directory I speak about profiles bundled with original WinXP/Pro not additional ones that come with extra devices ( ...

Ghost all vers.
Im having a real hard time ghosting xp+serv-pack1. Main partition is on 80 gig with only 20 gigs partitioned (the rest is clean and not partitioned) The target drive is a 40 gig Both attached to a promise100tx2 controller (not modified).

WMP 9 BETA - Problems.. anyone else?
I know it's beta. . but still. . . . Here is the deal. . I was trying to watch some p0rn (why can't you say p0rn spelled right?) last night and you know how you click on the file and the first part is crap? Well I wanted to fast forward using the scroll bar thing.

.NET and php
I isntalled php using the isapi filters. It works but it loads the pages very slow. My webserver is on a 10mbps connection and a AthlonXP 1900+. I only have one website on my server with aout 100 hits/day.

Norton Inet security 2002 and XP? patched or do i need 2003?
Hey all does 2003 work fine with XP - i know 2002 Inet security had issues with XP - did they ever patch that or no? cause i have a copy of 2002 - but if it does not work, then i need to buy 2003.

Best program/settings to use for capturing from vidcam?
I will be transferring via composite video and audio (i know i wish my camera had a s-video out). Any ideas or helpful tips?.

W2K (SP3) cannot see two of my HDs
Hi all! Two of my HDs out of four are no longer shown in my computer. One is connected to ide 2 and the other to the promise ide port 1. The mobo is an ASUS A7V333. They used to be shown. This happened after I uninstalled AstonShell that I wanted to test drive (got rid of it because it does not support dual display).

Quicktime 5/6 won't doesn't like my XP Pro SP1
Hi, Never had a problem with Quicktime previously, but just installed a new AthlonXP 2000+ and new motherboard, reinstalled XP, downloaded SP1 and downloaded Quicktime 6 so I could watch my exclusive Who videos from the Ultimate Collection CDs.

Unable to Install Office 2000 SR-1 via Group Policy?
Whenever I try to add Office 2000 SR-1 or SR-1a to Group Policy Software installation it gives me the following error: Quote:Add operation failed. Unable to extract deployment information from the package.

W2K Advanced Server SP3 problem...
I'm trying to update my server with SP3. I keep getting an error message. . . . - Service Pack 3 Setup error The file c:\arcsetup. exe is open or in use by another application Close all other applications and then click Retry retry or cancel - The file is a hidden system file.

Blocking file transfers in messenger
I guess the subject header says it all. I'd like to know if there's a way to block people from sending and receiving files through msn/windows messenger on a Win2k Pro machine, without blocking all messages.

selective startup and my pictures screen saver
I recently upgraded my system to windows 2000 professional from windows me. Is there any way i can get the my pictures screen saver to work with this os? Also, how do i use the selective startup on 2000 in order to disable some programs from running on startup? thanks in advance.

Share favourites with Mozilla and IE6?
Doesn't Mozilla share its bookmarks with Internet Explorer by default? Here's my setup: Admin logon (used to install Mozilla) Power User logon (used to run Mozilla) Internet Explorer 6 SP1 Mozilla 1.

Can't Paste in MSN Messenger
Any idea what would cause me not to be able to paste into MSN Messenger 5. 0 in Win2K? It used to work and then all of the sudden I can't copy and paste URLs into messenger. I've tried repairing & reinstalling it to no avail.