Windows Software

Hey all, I hope someone can help out with these. It's bugging me since I upgraded from 98SE to 2K ;( 1) You know in 98, when you sort by date. . it doesn't separate folders and files on top of each other.

IE 6.0 SP1 hangs when IE POPUPS a prompt for a username &
I didn't have this problem until I installed service pack 3. Running the latest IE 6. 0 SP1 with the cumulative update and SP3. I decided to install SP3 to complete my windows update and got this problem.

DVD drive after ripping not found - ASPI bug
Hi there, my problem is that most of the programs (Windows Media Player, DVDx,. . . ) can't find the dvd drive anymore. I think it has to do with the c2aspi. dll I've downloaded from adaptec. I've tried to install an older version (v4.

Are Win2k Service packs essential?
This issue has probably been answered before, but I can't find it, so here goes: I've had some serious probs with Win2k lately. Lost the hard drive twice, the other went completely kaputt, and I've also had a couple of crashes/re-installations of Win2kPro.

After install something,can't open files from .............
I have Windows 2000 Sp3. After install powerpoint viewer 97, some program can't open files from file>open pull down manual. even uninstall program still not working. ;( Somebody help? Thanks a lot.

local security policy?
Anyone know how I can get Local Security Policy in Windows XP Home? I've seen it in Win2000 Pro. I was wondering if its only available in WinXP Pro. .

Can't reinstall GoBack
Win2000Pro-Service Pack 3, PIII, 512M Ram. Installed a new 30G Drive C, keeping a second 13G drive (G) for game installs. Drive C was formatted using the Win CD, Drive G was formatted using My Computer/Disk Manager.

No MS-Office icons or "Start\New Office Document"
Installed an existing copy of Microsoft Office2000 Professional SR-1 on a new (replacement) hard drive. Unlike our original install on the old hard drive, there are no desktop icons for Word, Excell, Access, etc.

Services in XP
Is there any way to configure which services start with each user? Here is an example. I have my account, which is admin. I use it for normal use. I would like to create a gaming account where no services start except RPC, Plug & Play and DHCP client.

How do I remove cydoor "Spyware" from KazaA?????
DARTH maul
I ran KazaA and removed all cases of spyware with Ad-Aware. Now there's only 6 instances left, which are all from KazaA. They're cydoor files and registry entries. If I remove them, KazaA will not load, saying I have to re-install it.

Wierd Drive Image problem
ThC 129
Ok. . . here is the deal. I extract files from Drive Image then they don't show up?!! I tried extracting to both my hard drives and they don't show up. Im not understanding this. It goes through the long ass process but nothing shows up?!??!? Anyone else have this problem or know what to do?.

Opera 7 Cache location... how to change it?
Quote:Guys, Help! I remember in older Opera builds, there was a file you could go to in the Opera folder (I think) where you could alter WHERE Opera caches its diskcache files to. . . (Trying to move it to my Cenatek RamDrive, & cannot find the file anymore, Look at the Opera6.

Upload Limiter???
hi guys, i am after a program that i can install on a win2k client that limits his upload to say 6kb/sec. i have looked everywhere i can think of for a program like this. does anyone know where i can find one? OR even if one exists? thanks hardtofin.

Possible to convert hand written docs to text?
I don't know if this is possible but thought I'd ask anyway. I need a program that will allow me to scan my old hand written documents into Windows, & then convert my writing into text. It would really save me weeks in re-writing (i.

REcovery of CD-RW quick-erased by nero
Occasionally quick-erased one of my best tool-collection by nero. did any one know how to recovery it except acondisc?.

Exchange 2000 and POP3 question
I have an Exchange 2K server running on 2K server. Want to be able to POP3 email from outside the network. Set up POP3 on the server, as administrator i can use POP3 , but normal users cant. Its bizarre, i can telnet to the admin POP3 account etc, but as a normal user i cant.

Symantec Msg boards?
Doesn't Symantec have a msg board for people to post to and browse? I am trying to see if anyone got the Sony DRU500a DVD burner to work with Ghost. Thanks for any links. . . .

Saving Windows settings for a new install of 2k.
Can the file 'ntuser. dat' be saved and replace the same file in a new install of 2k so I don't have to redo all the Windows settings? I assume that is the correct file. What is the difference between the file in the root directory and the one under my user name in Documents and Settings?.