Date: 2025-03-10 04:38 | Last update:

Windows Software

A forum for discussions of Windows software related issues

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Windows Media Player 9 - Encoding WMAs

OK, I'm impressed. . . I just encoded a full CD (about 40 mins of audio) at the highest quality VBR from within Windows Media Player 9, and it only took a total of 1:46 to copy and encode the full CD!.
7 2434
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

lock tasbar in win2000

Is there a way to lock the taskbar in win2000 like in WinXP. I installed IE 6. 0 SP1 using service pack 3. Anyone know of a way?.
7 1323
avatar Last reply by Christianb,

IE6 When is it ever going to be fixed?

It seems MS security patches increasingly break things more than fix bugs these days (Windows 2000 SP3 was what finally prompted me to upgrade to XP). Take IE6 as an example here are few of the issues that I (and quite a few others seem to be having): '.
4 1261
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

IE explorer 6

Just a general question. Where does windows2000 kept the cookie files that remember your username when you go into a web site. For example when I log into this forum I type the first letter of my id name and the name pop up.
4 1935
avatar Last reply by nebulus,

Can Corel PhotoPaint 8.0 Save .RLE images?

Hi I don't have Color PhotoPaint 8 installed, because I'm not terribly crazy about the program, but I'm wondering is it able to save. RLE images? I would rather use. RLEs in my visual basic applications than normal.
2 992
avatar Last reply by Christianb,

Application prompt

I am trying to run a prog called Bootvis from MS. When I try to run a file, a window comes up that says, I need to have write permissions on my desktop folder in order for the analysis to perform it's task.
5 1163
avatar Last reply by illusionist,

Zone Alarm and ICMP under W2KS

Hi, Whenever I try to send a mail through my ISP (DSL), I get a message from ZA The firewall has blocked access to your computer (ICMP Unreachable) from 192. 168. 1. 1. . I could not figure out what is happening here.
4 2048
avatar Last reply by jimf43,

Great software technology combined with Intel new CPU stuff!

is all good and stuff - but it is still physically 1 cpu - and as someone else said when u are cranking that cpu at like %90 - hyperthreading ain't gonna do jack for yeah - also other reviews have show that hyperthreading may actually slow down other applications.
3 2050
avatar Last reply by Mr.Guvernment,

Saving your setting... takes very long time

The last couple of days my windows 2000 fully updated have started to become very slow at shutting down. It just stands at saving your settings for about a minute or 2. Anyone know about away to make this go faster.
11 7538
avatar Last reply by Hop,

Unable to preview jpegs in left pane within folder.

I lost the ability of previewing jpegs in the left pane of a folder under the folder name. I'm running 2k. Bitmaps can be previewed! I do have active destop disabled, but I did turn it on to see if it made any difference, but it didn't.
4 2794
avatar Last reply by videobruce,

outlook express problem

hi, i have 3 email accounts configured in outlook express. recently when i tried to reply mails from senders i found that the From: field does not reflect the email address that was sent to me by the sender, causing me to reply mails using the wrong email address.
13 1667
avatar Last reply by Christianb,

Icons? Maybe not....

Anyone know an easy way to make all my folders have icons viewed and not tiles. Those big things scare me, I like the old windows style icon. .
3 804
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,