Date: 2025-03-09 14:53 | Last update:

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Scheduling Services to start and stop

ThC 129
Is there any way to do this with task scheduler. I have not tried it yet i was just wondering. The reason is because i run an FTP server and I defragment my hard drives every night. So when my drives are defragmenting I want to stop the server, and when they are done start it again.
3 2231
avatar Last reply by ThC 129,

Bets programing for recording steaming audio?

Hey all, did a few searches on here under recording and streming, but could not find a post that really had this. i need a program to record live streaming audio, mainly from this site it streams either via winamp or via media player, i look on google, but found nothing that seemed decent.
7 2053
avatar Last reply by ThC 129,

Terminal Service session won't Do Norton System Scan?

I cannot do a system scan or any scan at all on a Windows 2000 Server Box thru Terminal Services. This Server has no monitor, keyboard, or mouse. Can anyone help? When I hook up a monitor I see the norton Shield in the tray, but I can't in a Terminal Service Session.
9 2862
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

What happen to my IE?

I have IE6. 1 which came with winXP sp1 - installed on a dual AMD plateform. I can't show source from HTML pages and I can't drag&drop pictures from HTML pages to copy them on hard-drive. ;( I didn't change IE options, I took a look and saw nothing specialy wrong.
2 1448
avatar Last reply by Aragorn,

Connection Manager for DSL

I just got SBC/Yahoo DSL and after installing their software I found that Yahoo has their fingers everywhere in my system. BLAWK! Without going into a Why do they find it necessary rant could someone point me in the right direction for a low overhead connection manager? I am a nOob so I would like something that is ...
6 2102
avatar Last reply by ZEHN,

Slipstream XP

I read the link here at NT regarding how to sliptreaming xp. . . when I attempt to slipstream xpsp1a I get interrgration errors here is the path I used. G:\xpsp1a_en_x86. exe -s:G\CD do I need to change anything?.
5 6541
avatar Last reply by SpyCatcher,

Office XP Slipstream Question?

I want to make a Office XP CD with SP2 but i want to do is have the cd ask for a key when i goto install office XP. When i do slipstream the setup bypasses the cdkey part. any help or links on how to do a slipstream cd that ask for a key would be nice.
1 5589
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,

VB apps for NT 4.0, under 2000 or XP

I wrote some apps for NT 4. 0 using VB 6. 0. Those apps when run under Win2000 or XP have video problems. For example my file menus on top are initially missing and then they appear, but you cannot click on them or anything and they are on top covering another part of the program.
2 1320
avatar Last reply by Lincster,

How to load programs before the shell on NT4?

I've just setup an NT PC and I want to load the defrag utility 'contig. exe' on boot, ie I don't want to have to log in for the program to launch. I think this is probably a job for a script or a reg hack, but I'd be greatful if someone could walk me through the process step by step as I'm not very familar with scr ...
3 2669
avatar Last reply by Curley_Boy,

Tweak Opera 7 for a slow dialup?

Can anyone tell me what the optimum settings are for Opera 7 with a rather poor 56k connection plz? I'm referring in particular to the Network and Cache settings in the preferences tab. Thx in advance.
0 3654
avatar Last reply by Curley_Boy,

Exchange 2003 / Office 11 / Windows Server 2003

Recieved the eval beta kit today, and Office 11 is great! I can't believe that this is only a 'Beta 1' release! I'm going to scour the EULA and provided it isn't in violation, I'd like to post some screenshots! The kit is available to order from Microsoft, if you're interested.
11 4030
avatar Last reply by Astatine,

Registry corrupt while using Ulead DVD workshop

Windows NT 4. 0 crashed, and came up with a blue screen saying it cannot load the hive file, while I was working with Ulead DVD workshop. The system now will not boot up, and is totally screwed! Any ideas as to what may have caused this?? Does anyone know if Ulead DVD workshop is compatable under Win NT 4.
0 1444
avatar Last reply by lifex,

Outlook 2002 out of memory error

Hi. I hope somebody here can help me out. I run microsoft outlook 2002 in the office. I get about 300 emails a day. When I'm out of the office for a week or more, the mail builds up to 2000 or more. The problem is that when there is that much mail on the pop3 server, outlook 2002 gives an error during download sayi ...
6 2154
avatar Last reply by gunnerhkjp,