Windows Software

hi all, i use a lot not easy cd creator 5. 0 and specially DirectCD. i am interested in some easy cd 6 feature, but i saw that it has a new Drag to Disc, but not directCD, is Drag to Disc backword compatible with directCD? or a complete new format? i didn't find on roxio site info about this.

[win2k] error BSOD when changing the pagefile size
My win2k pro sets the size of the page file automatically. I wanted to give the pagefile a fixed value (250 MB) since there's only 128 MB ram in that computer, so when changing the size i clicked on set and then OK.

Auto_Open() macro in excel97
I am trying to create a macro to run whenever a particular workbook is opened. I have done some searches and it appears that I just create a macro called Auto_Open(). To test this I used the code Sub Auto_Open() MsgBox (test) End Sub This did not work.

Drive Image error "exit code 12" in 2k
I'm trying to image a drive running Drive Image 2002 and Win 2k I get these error messages: Exit code 12 must be run from DOS or rescure disk Drive Image NT. EX. EXE generated errors and will be closed There is a FAQ on this at their site: There are not enough free sectors in the first track The partition is FAT32 ...

Device manager hangs and does'nt respond
Hi I've a big problem now with my computer and cant find a fix ne where!I have Winxp Sp1 and everything works fine except Device manager keeps on hanging I've looked through the web and cant find ne fixes.

Can I use Norton Personal Firewall with Server 2000?
Hi all, I'm running Windows Server 2000 for ASP/SQL development at home and am spooked by the attention my server gets as soon as it goes online. I've lost count of the times I've had to re-format the b*stard.

Improve sound performance in VPC 4.36
Is there any way to improve sound performance in VPC? I use it to play Worms and Worms Re-enforcements, but the sound breaks up into static and is often lagged. Other games that I play this way (Tombraider, Mech2 etc) are fine.

For those of you Running Linux & 2k/XP, something cool..
Oh this is waaaay coool. Now I won't have to curse every time I get a command not found because i typed ls instead of dir. Thanx.

Problems schedualing Kazza with Task Schedualer
Brian Frank
I'm trying to setup KaZaA to run under XP with Task Schedualer. Since I don't have a password for my account (I'm the only one using this PC anyway) I had to setup a separate account for the thing to run.

M$ SideWinder Controlers Softwares
First of all, this is my first time posting here so I donno if my problems have been posted b4. Second, english is not my first language, pls dont laught (there isn't third) I know many ppl that dual boot their computers just to have their SideWinder Controler Software working.

Norton Ghost 2003
Used norton ghost couple of weeks ago great backup c:drive. Last night try to backup c:drive with ghost it comes up with c:drive write protected error! Can any one help cheers. .

Any tweaks for Progman.exe?
Having just starting using Program Manager as my shell for XP I was wondering whether I could tweak it in any way. For example change the background colour from the default drab grey, specify where minimized apps go (top instead of bottom of the screen), alter group names once they have been created, create a group ...

Does anyone have info on Slipstreaming Office 2K w/ SP3
I can't find it anywhere! Help please!

Slow Internet with IE using Windows 2003
Here is the problem with a fresh install of Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. When a NEW IE browser window is opened it takes up to 1 min for it to find the URL. Even if I just visted it. After the browser hits that first page everything is back to normal and I can browse at normal speed.

Need Help with FTP.EXE
I'm trying to use FTP. EXE to send and get files with spaces in them. For instance, it works fine with a file such as myfile. txt but fails with my file. txt. Does anyone know how to get this working? I tried using the 'literal' command with 'RETR my file.

problem with windows IE 6 from OUTLOOK EXPRESS or down links
In outlook express, if i click on a HTML link (a valid on), it open Internet explorer but the windows stay BLANK. in this windows is impossible to do anything, i ve to clause it to make my PC re-work.

3DMark2003 does not start at all - any ideas?
Hi, I own a XFX Geforce 4 MX 440 (64 MB DDR). When I try to start 3DMark2003, I get the message you can only run one of four tests blabla. . . so far, so good, it's only a DX7 card, therefore the message is ok.

DivX & nVIDIA Detonator (2K-XP) 43.45
Upgraded to the latest 43. 45 drivers and when I play DivX movies they appear really liney like jagged interlacing only in fullscreen, fine in a window Rolled back to 41. 09 and they work fine fullscreen.

Securing internet explorer.
Is there a way to use some kind of lockout on ie so that it can only affect local files such as cookies and favorites. . . If a power user is using ie and has permissions to delete certain files does ie have these permissions when ran by that user? Doesnt this mean that if a bug/exploit were found in ie it could in ...

DVDRom in PIO mode !?
Hi there From time to time i'll go check in WinXP the secondary IDE chanel in system properties and I get a strange change in my DVD IDE channel! It changes from Ultra DMA mode 2 , to PIO mode! I unnistall 2ry IDE channel, do a refresh, reboot and it get ok, but in a few days it gets to the same PIO crap! Notice th ...