Windows Software

How the fuck do I delete stickey keys forever. I fuckin loath it. .

Disable Macromedia Flash plugin installation prompt
How to do that with IE6, because I really hate popups and banners and most are made with flash, plus I hate clicking no ewerytime a site needs it. Thanks.

IIS and anonymous login
Hi Guys, I have installed IIS and there seems to be the following stupid problem. Suppose I have some files in C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder that i want to access using IP like Now each time I do this it ask me for my password and only when I enter my admin/password it lets me access the file.

Differences between xp and w2000 office pacs
I need to know diferences between xp and w200o office pacs, any issue or problems using xp office pac in a w2000 os. .

Small, simple FTP server which supports Uploads' resume?
Thanks-I like IIS, but it doesn't seem to support Upload resume for clients connecting to my FTP site. . . .

Explorer Crashes every time i use the Runas command
ThC 129
Everytime i use the runas command explorer crashes. I assume its from a hotfix conflict or something. . . im not sure it has happened every time i run something as administrator from my account though.

locked word file
Radioactive Frog
I have a word file that i locked in october 2000 and now want to open it! So you can guess what i am asking! How on earth can i unlock it as i forgot the password !!! thanks in eagar anticipation G

Using EFS and Briefcase on Windows XP
I have been using Briefcase for a while now, and synchronize between my desktop and server. When I decided to encrypt files that I use in the Briefcase, I got to update all and it lists some of them as being deleted.

Password protected web page under FrontPage 2002
;( Hi all, I'm looking into how i can password protect a web page using FrontPage 2002. I know that using a *. asp file will work, however, my web host does not offer that capability (it's free web space from my ISP).

Win2k3 Domain Controller on Existing Win2k3 Domain
Greetings all. . . I'm trying to promote a Windows Server 2003 server to become an Active Directory controller on an existing Windows 2000 network. The process works for a little while, then begins giving me error messages similar to those Exchange 2000 gives when working with AD.

WMP9 not saving file open history & other niggles
How do you get WMP9 to save file opened history? I've set it to do so in the options and tried re-running the setup program to no effect. Media Player 6. 4 stores it's history fine, but not version 9.

Anyone know of a simple app to log time spent using an ISP?
Just something simple that automatically records the connection duration of a dial-up each time to connect, and gives a running total of hours/mins etc to a file or list? I used to have one years ago for win 95 but forgotten what it was

Count how many CDs your recorder has burned
Might be the stupidest ;( question on the planet at this moment. . . but is there a way to count how many copies has the cdr device done? Does anyone know of an application that does that? Or even worse :x , does anyone have the know-how to write that application? I am just curious if this kind of information is/is ...

Strangest problem with internet explorer on NT.
I've just had the strangest problem with IE5. 5, It would not open a link in a new window and would take about 2 minutes to open a shortcut to a URL. I tried fixing it by the method described in to no avail.

Anyone familier with SQLServer's DTS?
I have an excel workbook with multiple sheets. I need to import each of these sheets into a single table in SQL Server. I can get the BULK COPY SQL command to work if I save as a csv and do some tweaking to this 20 MB excel file.

The complete idiot's guide to ripping a DVD?
Hi ALl, I have a PAL DVD (I own it), and I wish to rip it into a DivX file. The problem is this: i don't have a DVD drive. HOWEVER< I managed to copy ALL files off the DVD by borrowing a freind's DVD drive.

Running Anti-Virus check weekly question
ThC 129
Ok, I set NAV to run once a week at x time. The primary account that I use is not the administrator account. Its a power user account with some custom modifications reguarding some permissions. Here is my problem: I have the admin account running and logged on or disconnected the task runs fine, doesnt matter who i ...

frontpage ext user organization
I have a domain controller with iis and frontpage 2k2 extensions. I already know its a bad idea to place iis on a domain controller but its a testing station and its the only server in the office that makes any sense to put it on.

Help me plz!!! Installing Perl... How?
Hi guys. . . . Let me start off by saying I know nothing about programming languages, or databases. . . I have a friend who is a web designer, does a lot of stuff in PHP and perl. Now I already have PHP installed and it works, with one of my other friends help some time ago.