Date: 2025-03-07 02:10 | Last update:

Windows Software

A forum for discussions of Windows software related issues

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How do you get rid of Media Player 9.x?

Ever since windows update installed media player 9 my video encoding has become complete $h*t. Every video i encode now has crazy skips and sound clitches. How do SAFELY remove MP9?.
5 1912
avatar Last reply by el_vago32,

A major office XP 2003 (11) Beta 2 problem.

Befor I start, I would like to say microsoft legaly mailed me the huge 12 od cd beta 2 kit so this is a legal copy and not a pirated version. I've recently noticed when I type emails, eventually while typing them the program will lock up my entire computer.
11 3849
avatar Last reply by BladeRunner,

Firebird stalls after extended periods of use

**I posted this on the mozillazine forums but didn't get any helpful responses, here's hoping you guys can help. This seems to be a problem with all variants of the Netscape browser from version 6 onwards, including Mozilla & Firebird.
2 2023
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

MS Excel 2002 - Text Field Size Limit

I've got a large chunk of text in a cell, formatted to general under the numbers tab, but it won't display or print all the text, even though there is plenty of room at the bottom of the cell. The only place it shows all the text is in the dropdown fx box where you enter formulas.
5 6649
avatar Last reply by ConQueso,

Win2k and sharing

Hello There!!! I have win2k SP4 and i saw that my three partitions C$,D$,F$ are shared for Maximum Allowed Users and with Full Control Permission. I closed the sharing but each time i start my computer there's the sharing again waitng for me to deactivate it.
8 1804
avatar Last reply by Four and Twenty,

Something else to chew on

I was visiting a local computer store a few days ago. They had a Sony VAIO on display, but the screensaver was on and it was password protected. Now I really wanted to check this machine out, and I already knew it had Windows XP on it.
17 1822
avatar Last reply by clutch,

Win2k shutdown/restart problem

it just started yesterday and im not sure why. when i go to shutdown or restart, a box pops up saying. . . ending program, explorer. exe is not responding and then i have click end now for it to shutdown/restart.
4 3233
avatar Last reply by RavishingRocket,

Win2k task manager.....

when i access the task manager the top part of it is cut off. dont know why this is happening now. anyone know anything here? thanks.
1 1592
avatar Last reply by adamvjackson,

Veritas backup exec

I just inherited responsibility for a system and need some help with replacing backup media. Can anyone point me to documentation on how to get veritas to accept a brand new set of tapes and just forget about the old set? I tried importing them but it wasn't happy and now shows the drive as off line.
0 1860
avatar Last reply by da209,

Turning Off Error Reporting, for real

Hello all I already have error reporting turned off (in the advanced tab of my system's properties) But, in Outlook 2002, the error reporting continues to bug me with it's pop-up after it crashes (the pop-up that wants to send an error report).
4 2973
avatar Last reply by Curley_Boy,

Be careful with the latest two security updates

I noticed a patch for IE and one for DAC, so I downloaded them and rebooted. I noticed that nothing that usually loads at startup actually did so. Not even my Antivirus. Strange indeed! So I tried to load at least one of them post boot and I get some wierd error message about the file not being there, but it was.
2 1865
avatar Last reply by franzj,

RPC is shutting down the system in 15 min.

Today we have recievd TONS of calls with this problem. Does anybody else is experiencing this? is there any solutions to this problems? non of my computers at work or at home have this problem, but a Large number of our customers are having this problem.
15 4797
avatar Last reply by billwinkle,

Broken Attachments

I am using Mozilla Thunderbird for my email app. When I get very large attachments, they come broken up into pieces such as: file. ppt Part 1. 3 file. ppt Part 1. 5 file. ppt I know alecstaar uses Thuderbird but he has disappeared.
4 1212
avatar Last reply by ViolentGreen,


Was wondering if anyone is an access2000 developer here. I try to do a simple project for a user. I can get the Web Access Page working for data entry and making query is no problem. What I run into is that I don't know how to make a user interactive query, what I mean by that is instead of having say job=123-4567 ...
3 1191
avatar Last reply by bytemangler,

ComponentOne Studios for .Net and ASP.Net - Install Issues

Hello All, I am trying to install ComponentOne Studio(s) (you can find out more about them at ) and the problem is that they require IIS 4+ to be on the machine they are being installed in. I use a remote machine, running IIS 6+, for my development in Visual Studio.
0 4595
avatar Last reply by PinkPanther,

Audio Capture Software

Could someone recommend a freeware or shareware that captures sound played in the speakers (whether thru' Windows Media Player or Real or whatever) and converts to/from WAV to MP3? TIA. .
1 2727
avatar Last reply by nebulus,