Windows Software

hi i was trying to use norton ghost to image (for backup) my os partition. i use win98 boot disk to go to true dos but it won't see ntfs partition. anybody who is ghost old timer pls help thanks.

Problems signing in with MSN Messenger 6.1
I can't seem to get MSN to sign in very often since I did the upgrade to 6. 1. I'm running Windows 2000. I didn't want to upgrade and I knew better, but I didn't want to see the message pop up telling me to upgrade everytime I opened MSN.

MS Access 2002 - Text Field Size Limit
Hi all, I know this question is not directly related to the NT operating systems, but i hope it is ok to ask it here. This is just such a knowledgeable support group, I figured I'd get an snwer here.

How do I recover a hacked Win2K DC?
Morning all. To say the least, someone has decided to hack into my DC giving any user the ability to join any systems to my domain. I'm assuming that the a**hole has given delegation of control to all users.

DVDR drive problem
I have a Matshita DVDR drive that now will not read or write DVDR's. I am a real novice so if anyone out there can help me out that would be appreciated. For some reason the drive will read regular dvd's but not DVDR's.

msn messenger final countdown on nt 4.0
I am trying to set up a netgear wireless router to use msn with file transfer. I am currently using an nt 4. 0 worktstion box and couldn´t find the way to transfer files with msn messenger. Seems like I have to get a upnp compatible operating system, and nt isn´t one.

Norton Help!!!
I have a problem with norton. I have this program called O&O defrag v6 pro 30 day trail. What is a better version of the windows defrag program. Since When I did the windows one it never got rid of the red(fragmented files) so my bro tryed this program and it got rid of his red.

Motherboard Monitor 5 Help
Yo Guys. I don't know if you guys and gals can help me, but I found no where else to turn. I just downloaded MBM 5 and I cant find my Compaq 06e4h motherboard. Yes, thats the motherboard, sadly enough.

More Fragmented Files with each Defrag
Every time I Defrag my HD with the Windows XP Defrag program. I have more Defragmented files than before I ran it. Why? ;(.

Anyone have an FTP they can setup to host a file for test?
I could but I would have to limit the amount of users connected to it at any one time

changing boot.ini to boot into Linux
I have a stupid problem. I'm trying to dual-boot my system (Windows XP on Raid0, and Mandrake Linux on IDE secondary master HDD). the problem is Linux does not see my raid controller, and since i'm a newbe to linux (my second time installing) i don't know how to make it see the raid thingee anyways.

VB In MS Excell
I have this huge, long, nasty query embedded into an excell maco that pulls in data from ODBC connection. After the data arives, I want to make some modifications to the data. I am trying to run the function to modify the data right after the connection is added with Code:With ActiveSheet.

How do I get dvdplay.exe to autoplay a DVD?
How do I get dvdplay. exe in Win2k to autoplay a DVD? If I run in manually it starts to play just fine. I'd really like it to autoplay. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank!.

Dual Booting XP and 2000
I am going to try to install XP on a 500 MHz machine that has 2000 already on it. I plan to put it on as a dual boot to start to make sure it will perform well. How exactly does this work? Are their seperate windows folders for each instalation? Do the applications cross over between the installs or do you have to ...

Norton/Symantec Corporate 8.xx
How exactly does this scan e-mails on a standalone workstation in Outlook 2003? I use NAV 2003, which catches plenty of SWEN attachments daily, and strips/deletes them before i even read my e-mails.

Acrobat Reader & Wistpis.exe
Does anyone know why whenever I run Acrobat reader it's also starting a file called Wisptis. exe? I know wisptis is part of MS's ink hand recogniition thingy but WTF has that gotta do with reading. pdf files in Adobe Acrobat Reader 6???.

DOS application causing max processor problems under W2K
Hi All Newbie to the site here, so first off Hello I am hoping that someone out there might be able to shed some light on this problem I am having. I've been working on it for about a week now and I am still no closer to working it out.

IE 6.0 administrator/user problems
Hi all, Background: 25 desktops all running 2K and IE6 running as part of a bigger 2K domain. All fully patched as of this morning. We use internet banking accross the net, using a combination of certificates, cookies, and https.

Very weird recycle bin problem
For a couple of days now my recycle bin has appeared to contain trash. When I open it there is nothing in it, no hidden files, no system files, no bytes. Heres the worrying thing, when I click empty recycle bin a confirmation box pops up asking if I want to delete WINDOWS? I haven't clicked yes because that doesnt ...

Anyone tried Diskeeper 8.0, & on Windows2003 Server?
As far as I can see it works rather well so far, with the exception of FAT32 partitions, where performance seems very much slower than in version 7. Of course this is not really relevant when it comes to server use, where NTFS is first choice.