Windows Software

I get a mshat. exe error when I try to open add/remove programs. I remember having this problem before or at least something like it, but it wasn't resolved here. Any ideas??.

Automatic Login in WinXP
Is there a way to automatically login with an account? This was an option in Win2k but I don't see it in WinXP. .

Outlook shortcuts auto-installing, how do I stop it?
Everytime I change accounts it installs the Outlook Express shortcuts to the programs folder & the quick launch folder. I have a Communications folder that I place this shortcut in, so aside from uninstalling Outlook Express, how do I prevent the creation of the shortcuts for it? I've tried hiding the files, it doe ...

Better login window
Anyone know of a proggy that allows a drop-down menu for the username portion of the login in Win2k or something similar to the WinXP login window. Thanks for your time. .

Multiple accounts that act as one...
I need to have 2 accounts, 1 is the admin account & the other is for everyone else but the thing is, when something is done on one account, I want it to be the same for the other. This goes for the start menu, any theme changes, any size changes, anything & everything I want to be the same except the access levels ...

Probleme OUTLOOK 2002
When i send by Email an appointement or something like that (to another user) some time it propose him the appointement and so time (on another computer with the same configuration) outlook have an attachement but it s don't install the appointment Station : WINDOWS 2000 or XP Outlook 2002 Is there a configuration ????

where did the uninstallers go?
Opened Add or Remove Programs in Xp home to do some cleaning and out of 30+ proggies that were there a few weeks ago, now only 6 are listed. Of those six only 1 has the change/remove button. I checked all my progams and they all work fine and the uninstallers are in place for most of them but not all.

PC Accelerator 2004
i got pc accelerator 2004 and ive tried many other xp booster programs and this one actually made a noticable difference, my interenet was actually faster and programs loaded instantly, but for some reason it decreased my benchmark scores.

USB and NT 4.0: Hub is not detected!
Hallo! DELL's download R62200. exe for USB-NT 4. 0 works great with memory-sticks, printers, but is obviously incompatible with USB-hubs. My 4-channel hub runs fine in a Win 2000 environment, but the usbhub.

Why word doc formatted differently from one PC to another
I have created a Word document on one PC (PC#1). Portions of the document are in bold others are not. When I open the document on another PC (PC#2), either thru a LAN or hand-carried on a floppy, the document opens with everything in bold.

How do I prevent multilple logins from a single user account
Morning all. I've got people on my 2003 AD sharing their accounts when they shouldn't be. So in short, how do I prevent these a**hole* from logging in multiple times with their logins which they have shared? I remember in Win2K in the local policy settings your were able to do this by selecting that feature but I'v ...

AntiVirus scanners & hitting large archives
Quote: (Oh, they'll probably design options to scan only for newer virus, but. . . watch, that's when the 'old classics' will start reappearing as well to counter for it. Sound crazy? Hey, it's not. .

Event Viewer and really long logon time.
Recently my system is taking forever to go from the logon screen to the desktop, takes over a minute, when it used to only take a few seconds. I checked the Event Viewer and there is only one problem showing up under System.

Problem with disk manager/ partition magic
Hi I got this problem when using disk manager it doesnt recognize my hard drives only CD-rom. Or when I try to use partition magic it says this error: Init failed: Error 117. Partition's drive letter cannot be intentified.

Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8.x refuses to open banknote images
Hello, this started with adobe photoshop 8 which was released recently, that it cannot open banknotes images. but anybody tried Jasc's PSP 8. x? well, i tried, and it has the same thing, it refuses to open the $20 new bill photo.

Symantec/Norton now owns PowerQuest
Great more bloatware!!!! Good thing I stopped using Norton Utilities back in my 9x/DOS days. Use smaller,better specialized utilities now without the bloat and a couple of months ago bought Acronis TrueImage so.

Adobe Acrobat Reader 6
When I use Adobe Acrobat Reader, it ALWAYS creates a folder named My eBooks within the MY DOCUMENTS! I have checked through the Acrobat Reader in order to find and change this but NOTHING x Any suggestions?

Browser does not automatically forward
I have a problem where my browser does not automatically forward to my new post after posting/replying. Usually it works fine and I dont' have to manually click FORWARD. Is it something I did accidentally ? WinXP SP1 and IE 6.

Help me...trying to keep anyone from using all programs...
I want to keep a certain person from snooping through my Trillian while I'm away from my computer. . . Is there a way to password protect certain programs from being launched or something similar besides logging off??? Please help a n00b.