Date: 2025-03-10 20:27 | Last update:

Windows Software

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Easy CD Creator in XP having probs

hey all, I am using EasyCD Creator 5. 2b and for some odd reason when I go to burn a CD I get about 4-5% done and it freezes, crashes my burner nd the software. I don't get any error messeges the burner just stops writing and starts reading and freezes.
16 7054
avatar Last reply by sanfordm,

Whistler Build 2128 for Alpha Processor

Hi, I am a CFD programmer and am looking for the Windows 2000 Whistler Build 2128 for the Alpha Processor. It specifically says Alpha Processor on it. Does anyone know the best place for me to get it.
0 2386
avatar Last reply by zxt5,

WinPlosion ....

Hey everyone, check this out. I found an excellent application at which shows thumbnails of all open applications. . . .
3 1782
avatar Last reply by ViolentGreen,

Urgent Exchange 5.5 help requested

All. The story is long winded, but basically I have NT SBS 4. 5 on a last legs machine. It was running MS Proxy and Exchange SBS 5 - it is also the PDC. The whole system is corrupt, so we've built an NT4 box next to it.
1 1663
avatar Last reply by Vermyn,

Getting or getting past passwords in Win2k

I know a guy who's ex-wife used Win2k on his computer (not sure if it's FAT or NTFS) & now they're split up & the guy is looking to unlock what she has passworded. I know in Win 95/98/ME that if you delete all the.
2 3279
avatar Last reply by Marker0077,

Decent software for audio control panel?

I'm looking for a decent non-bloated (as in Creative) program to sub M$'s poorly laid out audio control panel(s). Creative's control panel along with their drivers suffer from the usual 'bloat' factor and I would perfer NOT to use it.
2 2236
avatar Last reply by videobruce,

Permiting other users access to resources...

I have a LAN system with 2 user accounts on each PC. 1 is an admin account, the other is a restricted user account. I want to be able to allow the clients access to the resources shared via the server, however, I have guest disabled because I only want authorized computers to have access to the servers resources.
3 1897
avatar Last reply by Marker0077,

Computer refuses to boot

I was viewing a streaming movie the other night when suddenly everything locked up. I rebooted and decided to play a game and a short time later, same problem. I got as far as the XP logo screen on the reboot when everything froze solid again.
7 2421
avatar Last reply by jimbo,

"Incoming Connections" missing from networking

There used to be a icon like every other connection icon in Network and Dial-up Connections called Incoming Connections. This is now missing & I was wondering how I could bring it back. Any help would be appreciated.
4 1526
avatar Last reply by Marker0077,

Windows XP hangs at startup

I have noticed my Home Edition of Windows XP to hang on startup. I log in and it either hangs then, or hangs when the desktop has loaded and I then can't seem to load any programs. This is inconsistently the case, however.
4 6102
avatar Last reply by EuriMouse,

Acrobat 6.0 & Windows File Protection Error

Hi, Ever since I installed Adobe Creative Suite (CS), whenever I run Acrobat 6 professional while creating a PDF file through a Scanner, I get the following window: Files that are required to run Windows properly, have been replaced by unrecognized versions.
0 5077
avatar Last reply by hardwarecrazy,

problem with filenames when using dreamweaver mx

i was working on a website at my place using dreamweaver mx. i have windows xp pro while my pc at the office is running win98 se my problem is that when i brought the files to the office to upload, most of the filenames are in caps already.
2 1489
avatar Last reply by dbgg1979,

Monitoring bandwidth ..

im running IIS in my windows xp and i have some sites hosted in it. now how do i monitor the bandwidth usage? the hits and visits? do i need to install something? or is there a separate software for that? how do i setup an ftp server with IIS?.
2 2908
avatar Last reply by dbgg1979,

Symantec Corporate 8.x Realtime Protection

Will the first option Modified (scan on create) protect me from downloading from the internet & accessing CD/floppy media? It's quite a bit faster than the second option 'Accessed or modified' - Quote:There are two options available to determine what file operations Realtime Protection monitors: Modified Only: Chec ...
4 5644
avatar Last reply by ofelas,

Multiple accounts that act as one...

I need to have 2 accounts, 1 is the admin account & the other is for everyone else but the thing is, when something is done on one account, I want it to be the same for the other. This goes for the start menu, any theme changes, any size changes, anything & everything I want to be the same except the access levels ...
11 1978
avatar Last reply by clutch,

Explorer window opens on each start

I get a 'explorer' window that opens to 'My Documents' each time I bootup! I close it, but each time it still opens. I think I remember seeing this long time ago, but surely don't remember where. I'm running 2k w/sp4 with no auto anything (updates, etc.
4 2594
avatar Last reply by videobruce,

Microsoft .NET Framework Setup regsvc error

I have tried installing Microsoft. NET Framework on 2 different computers, 1 is Windows XP the other is Windows 2000. I get a regsvc (remote registry editing proggy) problem on both computers. Any suggestions?.
2 3999
avatar Last reply by Marker0077,