Windows Software

resident spyware slapping program
Hi all, I'm not really up on the latest spyware smack-down programs so I just run Ad-Aware, up it whenever an update is available. I am wondering if there are any spyware smackers that run resident like a realtime virus-scan program? I'd like to have Ad-Aware constantly running to check all files incoming and give ...

Can I upgrade from NT 4.0 Server to 2000 Professional ?
Hi, Simple question, ( I Hope it is simple). . . Can I change my OS from Windows NT 4. 0 Server to 2000 PRO ? Randy.

WinPE on USB thumb drive?
I am looking into getting a USB thumb drive and was wondering if anyone has tried putting WinPE on one? I know it usually ships on a CD, but the thumb drive would be much easier to carry around and many new computers can boot from the USB port.

I would appreciate any help or input regarding this problem. first of all i dont know if this is software of hardware, so please excuse me if i have the wrong section? O. K i started with a Gforce2MX 400.

Best DVD Player Software
Jedi Master
I decided to do a reinstall of WinXP following a major hardware failure. I currently have the following choices available for a software DVD Player Intervideo DVD/MP3 XPack Cyberlink DVD/MP3 XPack Intervideo WinDVD 5 Would appreciate your thoughts/suggestions.

Explorer crashes when downloading anything?
Has anyone had this problem. FTP sites when downloading any file Explorer crashes and closes the window. I cannot even download software, freeware or shareware, no wave files, or bmps. Thanks in advance for any help.

how to resize the drive C after upgrade from NT to 2000 server
We just upgraded our company server from NT 4. 0 to Windows 2000 server, It is the only server in our company. Since the size limit of drive C in NT 4. 0 is only 4GB. It is not enought in windows 2000 server.

DVD problems
sparky two
Hi, I'm having problems playing DVD's on my inspiron 2650. I reciently updated my NIVIDA GeForce Go 2 driver as I was getting an infinite loop error message when I tried to play DVD's, now with the new driver (version 4.

Active Movie Window - Quicktime Movie (*.mov) "preview" in Windows explorer...
I have got the following problem with some Clients in my Windows 2000 network: If somebody just clicks a Quicktime movie once, the explorer tries to show the movie (like it does with picture etc. ). Then the explorer.

How do I ditch this Office XP macro prevention window?
Alright, so I just installed Office XP 2002 & Publisher XP 2002. Now I am getting this. . . The macros in this project are disabled. Please refer to the online help or documentation of the host application to determine how to enable macros.

Lego Vision Command
I saw a message posted which says how to make LEGO Vision Command work on Windows NT. Is it possible to to it on Windows XP too? If yes, how?.

Computer becomes non-responsive after a few mins
After turning the computer on and running windows perfectly, after a few minutes the computer becomes sort of non-responsive. Like i am able to open new IE windows easily and browse files, but i am unable to run programs (e.

Compatible Programs for NT 3.51
I'm currently setting up a computer for a friend. It's only a 486-66, but he wanted stability over compatibility so I'm installing NT 3. 51 SP5. My question is, what basic programs will actually run on the O/S? My friend wants AIM (ugg), and IE/OE, so I want to know which versions will work on 3.

How do I minimize Outlook (Office XP) to systray?
We have to have Outlook running all the time for reminders & whatnot but we hate having Outlook minimized too, is there anyway to minimize Outlook to the system tray (systray)? We're using Office XP 2002.

Need a hand guys, anyone with a LAN/WAN... apk
APK, does this app require that the Messenger service be running ?!? If so then count me out, if not then I'm gain. I'll PM you with the request ok.

strange windows 2003 msg
Does anyone know what this msg means? I have encountered it running 2 different programs that worked flawlessly in XP. Windows cannot open this program because the license enforcement system has been tampered with or corrupted.

Installed new dual processors and it woln't work
Four and Twenty
I have an old gateway gx-450xl it has a daul pii xeon motherboard in it based on the 440gx chipset the system came with one p2 450 xeon 512k processor and a terminator card. I ordered a matched pair of p2 xeon 450 512k processors and installed them.

Hacked again...
Morning all. To say the least my DC has been compromised again. I've setup a Windows 2000 Adv. Server with AD and secured it with TCP port filtering along with a tightened policy setup where the user is not even allowed to right mouse button click on the domain.