Date: 2025-02-21 18:08 | Last update:

Windows Software

A forum for discussions of Windows software related issues

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Autocomplete, where is the info stored?

Anyone offhand know where the autocomplete info for passwords and such is stored for IE6? (the same stuff in the content tab in the internet options) In the past I checked the box to not remember passwords for a few particular sites, and now I would like to enable those without purging all my existing ones.
0 2019
avatar Last reply by ryoko,

Trouble playing audio files

Hi members, I got stuck with an audio problem. When ever i click any audio link or play any audio file ,my computer crashes down and it automatically restarts. My OS is windows XP professional. I would be thankful if any one has a solution for it.
0 845
avatar Last reply by satya,

Kai's power goo on xp

I'd need to know if some patch about Kai's power goo 4 XP exists. No working on this S. O. How can i do? Txs a lot.
1 7850
avatar Last reply by CanadianSaver,

RCA Lyra RD2840A problem ... HELP!

Hello, I know these posts are getting contagious by the second, but i've managed to format my RCA Lyra 40GB RD2840A MP3 player by mistake. Anyhow, since i'm using windows XP i could only manage to format it using NTFS.
1 3808
avatar Last reply by sameh,

Help for .NET SMPT Component, $300

Looking for Source code of the. NET SMPT Component. Check detail from: Required Features: • Send HTML email with embedded images. • Send multipart/alternative emails with both HTML and plain-text bodies.
1 1514
avatar Last reply by clutch,


im creating a scipt in notebook. how do i get it to run on a web page¿ note:this web page isnt mine and the script is for chatting so people cant flood me with an exceptionally large amount of charecters.
3 1240
avatar Last reply by peterh,

Misbehaving Apps

I have a fresh Xp Pro and would like to install Norton Systemworks. Does anyone know if this or anyother program that comes to mind does not get along well with XP. Any suggestions appreciated since I don't want to uninstall and leave those crumbs scattered on the hard drive.
0 724
avatar Last reply by 8338TandY,

Start Menu Not displaying in Windows XP?

Dear All, For some reason my start menu now doesn't load the programs section. If I switch to classic start menu, then go to programs it says empty, but if i right-click and explore I can find everything under the start menu! I need to use the start menu for several reasons.
25 9117
avatar Last reply by zonemen,

Riddled with adware win2000 server.

My friend got a dell pc (old server running win2000) from a company that went bust. She started using it on the internet without any anti-virus. I have managed to remove the viruses by installing AVG but can't remove adware because ad-ware, after starting scan causes isass.
6 2116
avatar Last reply by Sampson,

Movie Maker 2

Hey i have copied the directory of Movie Maker 2 to my Windows 2000 pro computer. When i try to boot is says an error: Cannot locate SHParserDisplayName. Is there any way to emulate the windows XP shell32 file or the XP environment to work around this? Thanks in Advance!.
0 1428
avatar Last reply by beNNo,

Scheduling Exchange 2000 automactic Reboot

Hi- I need to reboot my exchange server atleast 1 once a month. I read that I can create a. bat file to do so. I need to know -once I get it schut down- how I can get services back up and running. -SMTP, NNTP, etc etc etc without human intervention.
1 3405
avatar Last reply by peterh,

Internet Problem when running a search

I don't know what's wrong, but I need major help here! PLEASE. This happens no matter what search engine I use (yahoo, google, anything). If you enter something to search, i. e. nike shoes, it will bring up all sorts of random results, but just incorporate whatever the search term was ( nike shoes ) into the bogus ...
4 1969
avatar Last reply by badnewz,


Well. . i was thinking the easiest way to get rid of the annoying pop ups is to permanently delete internet explorer!!! can someone teach me how to delete it, so i dont have it on my pc!!!! or give me a pop up blocker! that actually blocks pop ups!! please help, its so annoying, i cant play cs!!!.
7 12387
avatar Last reply by Langel,

Windows XP HOME system32 problem

A few days ago my pc was working fine, but now when I go to run some programms it tells me that \windows\system32autoexec. nt, This system file is unable to execute MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications” Please help!!!!.
1 3059
avatar Last reply by theefool,

oracle 8i/9i not woring on XP

i need oracle for my practicals. i have XP. there is no problem during installation of oracle, but when i open SQLPLUS, i m prompted for username/password. i have tried SCOTT, TIGER; SYSTEM, MANAGER; INTERNAL, ORACLE.
4 2285
avatar Last reply by ScinteX,

Synchronise NT Workstations time to NT Server 4.0 on start up

Hi, Im wondering if anyone could tell me how I can synchronise NT Workstations 4. 0 to NT Server 4. 0 when workstations start up. Our organisation records live audio from court proceedings so having all workstations displaying the same time as the server is quite important.
4 2028
avatar Last reply by peterh,

Unountable Boot Volume

my system was working fine. I had NOT INSTALLED anything new on my comp. when i started my comp again (after 2 days), i got the blue screen saying UNMOUNTABLE BOOT VOLUME. wht caused this? is there any permanent way of fixing this? i tried command prompt>>CHKDSK, but eventually i get the blue screen again.
3 1611
avatar Last reply by misaal9,

Win98 after WinXP???

is there any way of installing Win98 after installing WinXP without removing XP??? i have winxp on drive D(FAT32). I need to install Win98 on C:(FAT32). usually u use a scnadisk and type setup at command prompt.
2 1510
avatar Last reply by DosFreak,