Date: 2025-02-24 06:00 | Last update:

Windows Software

A forum for discussions of Windows software related issues

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Hey. I am having a problem with this error and I have read many posts about it but my problem is different than most. I was just on my computer and it froze so I had to shut it down the wrong way. On the reboot I get to the screen where you choose if you want to start up in safe mode or normally.
1 1268
avatar Last reply by Sampson,

Gmail & Thunderbird. Thunderbird doesn't save sent mail.

I have several gmail accounts setup in mozilla thunderbird. For some reason, all the accounts deliver to the same account group Archive and I can not change this. When I compose and send a new email, the email is delivered correctly, but a copy is not stored in my sent items folder in thunderbird.
0 6503
avatar Last reply by Arin,

toshiba recovering problem

hi, i have a problem with the toshiba laptop. a week, when i open the my wireless laptop, some of the major file appear to be corrupt, and it told me use the cd-rom try to repair the file. so i restore my laptop by using the toshiba recovery cd.
5 5401
avatar Last reply by foehn5670,

Toshiba recovery issue

Hello, I am currently using a toshiba satellite laptop. last week, I decided to reboot my computer with the Toshiba recovery cd becuase of some mishaps, upon startup i boot the recovery cd and it goes to the recovery mode where it reaches 28% and then a pop up window comes up Question: Output A:\GHOST.
1 5513
avatar Last reply by Cormac,

Firefox Myths

Quote:Myth (Definition) - A fiction or half-truth, especially one that forms part of an ideology. There are numerous Myths floating around the Internet regarding Firefox. Hopefully this site will debunk some of these.
17 7135
avatar Last reply by mctonale,

XP Home vs. XP Pro

Hey all! I'm in the midst of slowly building a new PC and I would just like to ask a few opinions of which OS I should go with. I have a $90 Microsoft Lawsuit Settlement check that I will be buying XP Home or XP Pro with.
3 1885
avatar Last reply by tool_462,

MS Word problem Please help

Hi All! A friend of mine has somehow lost the toolbar on MS Word. Does anyone know how I can get this toolbar back for her? It is the one at the top of the page, when word is open. Thanks in advance Justbill.
2 1258
avatar Last reply by Justbill,

CoCreateInstance for my yahoo DLL failed!!!

This problem is slowing starting to irrate me, and I am hoping that someone can help me cause the people at yahoo cant. My computer crashed about 6 months ago. Every since I have been having problems with yahoo messenger.
4 9035
avatar Last reply by cshell4642,

Lost Disk Space

Hello again! I've got another problem which requires your expert council I have Windows XP SP2, and NTFS partitions, on two HDD's. Now - whenever I use shift+delete to erase a certain file, or I delete the file without passing it trough the Recycle Bin (some progam deletes it, for instance), I get no disk space back.
3 2608
avatar Last reply by Chrism1367,

SafeBit Disk Encryption

SafeBit Disk Encryption is the perfect electronic vault you need for your privacy. It features military strength on-the-fly encryption, by creating virtual disk drives, where you can hide files and folders, keep them encrypted all them time, but still work with these files just like you work with normal files.
0 927
avatar Last reply by neobyte,

Flash plugin for IE

Even though I've got Macromedia's latest version of their Flash player plugin for IE, & Flash stuff on sites works, I keep getting this popup: Quote:Security Warning Do you want to install and run bs/flash/swflash.
5 30162
avatar Last reply by Cormac,

Newbie here. Norton Ghost Problem

ok, first of all. Hello everyone. The problem i am having is i have ran norton ghost to make a sector copy of my harddrive. I had an 8gb and copied it to a 40gb (this is for my computer), it was successful and am running that harddrive as i type.
3 2300
avatar Last reply by stevewa,

XP Start Menu Items sloooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!

Recently, a lot of programs that I try to start from the XP START menu have become extremely slow, and even lock up my system for almost 1 1/2 minutes now. Sometimes even longer! I mean, if I even click on something as simple as Solitaire, it will take forever for it to pop up on the desktop, and during that wait, ...
12 3059
avatar Last reply by WRX_Rocky,

Problem with restoring a norton ghost image

This is the situation : i've got two hard diskes, the master is divided in 3 partitions. On the thirth partition i have put a norton ghost image of the first partition. But when i want to restore the first partition with this image, i 1) can't chose a partition, only a hard disk and 2) can't restore a hard disk wit ...
1 4015
avatar Last reply by jimbob1955,

Yet another FF7 Install problem.

I have searched for quite awhile on google and ntcomp for a solution to my problem. When I attempt to install FF7 on my computer (I run WinXP) it exits out of the setup. I know that alot of other people had this problem, and I tried setting the compatibility to Win95 on both install.
2 2999
avatar Last reply by Sampson,