Windows Software

Hi, I want to change a value in one sheet and then update it automatically on another sheet. How can I do this? And. . . . Can I change a value in one workbook and let it update automatically in another workbook? Thanx in advance.

Regarding Drivers For Asus P4R800-VM
Can anyone tell me when i try to install the Cd that came with my buddies computers motherboard, It does not detect any of the drivers. It needs a network adapter, VGA, and a multimedia for sound i have looked all over the web, If anyone can give me some advice.

Anomoly in reported size of e-mail folders
I'm getting some strange answers as to the total size of the various dbx folders in my Outlook Express application in Windows XP. I'm trying to do a backup of my pared-down e-mail folders and have started by doing a search (Run/Search Files & Folders) on the XP partition for all dbx folders.

Making a bootable windows 98 cd rom
Hi, I am trying to install 98 on virtual pc. Now on the list, where can i find cab files for it? It has the setup files and I need them. Can someone give me a link to where they are?.

Need some serious help
Guys, I really need some help with my system. I have Windows XP Home edition. Here are the issues I am facing: 1) Admin Tools>Services shows NO services running on my local system 2) Can not access Phone and Modem or System from Control Panel it keeps giving me the following error: An exception occurred while tr ...

Directx Error.
well. i can't install 9c directx. and the problem says; your office isn't rebiable. something like these ^^ well. can u help me? ; Win Xp SP2. x32~84.

sis961 chipset for win xp
If any one can tell me how to download it free or has any one got it already, please let me know. thanks, take care Sohan.

Help with Norton Antispyware
One of the latest security issues is a code executor. An update released by microsoft was downloaded and installed. Every time I turn off my PC with Windows XP Home edition it tells me there is an update to install.

MySQL help
jeff c
i am still new at SQL. . . having a problem with this do command. . rs. Open SELECT * FROM ;, CurrentProject. Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic rc = rs. RecordCount Do While rs. EOF = False DoCmd.

Running 16 bit screen savers under XP
Running 16 bit screen savers under XPIs there any reasonably easy way to do this? I am getting the error message is not a valid Win32 application

Know anything about Ghost's virtpart.dat?
Does anyone here know precisely what sort of information's contained in the VIRTPART. DAT file of Symantec's Ghost application? I'm trying to figure out why my Ghost imaging app will no longer run, having just put in a newer and bigger main hard drive.

Anyone installed SP3 for Windows XP?
I recently downloaded and installed SP3, the latest service pack for Windows XP, doing it from the Windows Update website. Whilst many XP users have consequently encountered a whole host of problems (as can be seen on the various Microsoft newsgroups and tech forums), in my case everything appeared to go smoothly a ...

I have discovered a bizarre bug with Windows XP. Windows XP loses the ability to search. Anyone know anything about this, or how to fix it? I've looked everywhere but only seen two or three other instances of people losing search but I've found no answers.

Digital Voice Editor v. 2.4.04 / Vista
I am using DVE 2. 4. 04 with Windows Vista. When I press CTRL+S the. wav file that I have loaded closes. I have tried unintalling/reinstalling DVE and the same problem occurs. Please let me know if I need to post in another forum.

Resident Evil 2
So I have Resident Evil 2. I have Vista. The game will not play cutscenes on vista. The game has really pixellated models for Leon and Claire when ran on Windows XP (compat mode), but frames per second is great and cutscenes work.

Rotating Web Pages (XML)
I'm trying to get 4 separate web pages to cycle through as a display in our lobby. I've found some good applications which allow this to happen quite smoothly. The only problem is that they run off the IE6 engine and 3 of these pages are XML; the two don't play well together.

Driver for Kensington Video Cam #67104
I'd like to know if anyone can tell me how to get this Kensoington Video Cam to work with Windows XP. I bought it used and it did not have the software or CD-Rom. I tried downloading adriver for it but I couldn't get it to install.

Decryting a file without certificates.
Is dere any, any way to decrypt a file in win xp prof, with its user being deleted. . ??? How an encrypted file can be accessed without its certificates. . . ??? Waiting for some valuable feedbaks.

Terminal Server 2008 Remote Desktop Question
I have a client who wants to setup Terminal Server 2008 to remotely host all users desktops. He has about 11 employees. What he wants is all users to login directly to the terminal server and use its desktop without the option of accessing their local desktop.