Drivers 2927 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

OCWorkbench has posted a new beta bios for the Asrock P4AL 800 Mainboard

L1.84 When use Hyper Threading CPU, got audio noise while copying big file from hard drive to hard drive. BIOS L1.84 provide one more item "CPU snoop count". Set "normal" to improve ths problem

Drivers 2927 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Update your nForce motherboard with the latest drivers.

The Unified Driver supports all nForce platform processors. It contains support for all nForce components in a single driver download and installation, making it simple to upgrade to the latest nForce drivers. WHQL certified kit for nForce, nForce2, and nForce3.

Some of release 4.27 features: Audio Driver improvements: Introduced NVMixer – replaces SoundStorm Control Panel for all audio configuration tasks. Introduced Speaker Wizard – incorporates all NVSwap features, ensures correct speaker setup on analog or digital speaker systems. Storage Driver Improvements: Automatic DMA-mode fall-back when data errors are present due to poor cabling.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: ]

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Drivers 2927 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

This unified driver has been further enhanced to provide the highest level of power, performance, and reliability. The ATI CATALYST software suite is the ultimate in performance and stability.
[License: Freeware| Requires: Win XP/2K | Size: 28.8 Mb]

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Drivers 2927 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Installs Windows INF files to properly configure many Intel motherboard chipsets.

The Intel:registered: Chipset Software Installation Utility installs the Windows* INF files. The INF files inform the operating system how to properly configure the chipset for specific functionality, such as AGP, USB, Core PCI, and ISAPNP services.

[License: Freeware| Requires: Win All | Size: 1.5 Mb]

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