General 8066 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Here the latest updates of the CompatDB compatiblity lists. There are 15 Windows updates, 2 Linux updates, and 1 Mac OS updates

General 8066 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

General 8066 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Here the latest updates of the CompatDB compatiblity lists. There are 39 Windows updates, 6 Linux updates, and 5 Mac OS updates

General 8066 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

DigiTimes reports that the RAMs used in graphics cards have risen to US$8.50, up by 30.8% from US$6.50 in July. Both Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix have allocated part of their VGA RAM production capacities to producing memories for servers and handsets.