I've been receiving many questions regarding new BIOS options as well as those that have not yet been covered by the BIOS Optimization Guide. So far, I've been answering them one by one.Read more
But this is really quite time consuming. So I suggest that you post under this topic, all the BIOS options that are available in your BIOS but not yet covered in the BIOS Optimization Guide. It would be better if you could also include any additional information on it (as written in the manual).
Adrian's Rojak Pot would like to ask readers of The Definitive BIOS Optimization Guide to post their queries on new or uncovered BIOS options.
Microsoft has released a dokumentation for Small Business Server 2000
Larry Samuels has posted an unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003. Thanks Christian.
Microsoft has released security guides for Windows 2000 Server
Overclockers New Zealand Forum member Deviant has completed a TAK68 cooler mod by inserting a copper core to the all aluminium heatsink.
TechSpot has published a tweak guide for America's Army
Sudhian Media has posted a new article: Modding the AthlonXP for a 400 MHz FSB
PC Mag has posted their Complete Guide to Broadband
TechSpot has updated their SB Live! & Audigy tweak guides.
BoPC has posted a tiny article, on how to change LED on your mouse
Networks Today starts off it's first Networking 201 series with an article on securing your Cisco router for the Internet.
Nexus Hardware has posted a Window Installation guide
OCAddiction has posted an Intel P4 2.4B/533 CPU overclocking article
ForumOC has posted a LED case lighting guide
Tom's Hardware Guide has posted an article about upgrading Slot-1 mainboards with Pentium III 1.4GHz
Microsoft has released two Windows 2000 security guides:
Windows 2000 Common Criteria Security Configuration Guide
Windows 2000 Common Criteria Evaluated Configuration Administrator’s Guide
Windows 2000 Common Criteria Security Configuration Guide
This document provides guidance to allow for the secure installation and configuration of Windows 2000 in accordance with the Windows 2000 Common Criteria Security Target (ST). This document is targeted at those responsible for ensuring the installation and configuration process results in a secure configuration. For the purposes of this document, a secure configuration is one that enforces the requirements presented in the Windows 2000 ST, henceforth referred to the Evaluated Configuration.Download
Windows 2000 Common Criteria Evaluated Configuration Administrator’s Guide
This document provides sufficient guidance to allow an administrator to securely operate Windows 2000 in accordance with the requirements stated in the Windows 2000 Common Criteria Security Target (ST). This document is specifically targeted at the administrative (e.g. privileged) user of Windows 2000.Download
GideonTech has posted a Sony Playstation Case Mod
Tweak3D has posted a Spyware Removal Guide
BitBender has released their next series of Tutorials, Setting Up An E-mail Account on Outlook Express.