Guides 11791 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Modasylum has posted a new article: Xoxide Cable Sleeving

Not a pretty sight to say the least, upon seeing that my first attempt at putting the sleeving on the wires I felt fairly let down by this product until i realized the errors in the way i was attempting to get the sleeving onto the leads. Once you make the mistake of trying to force the sleeving over the wires, and assuming you learn from your mistakes, the process becomes a lot more easier as you progress in applying the sleeving to the leads.
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Guides 11791 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Overclockers New Zealand has updated their DDR Guide II with new RAMs
from AData (Samsung TCC4 chip) and TwinMOS (Winbond BH-5 chip).

Guides 11791 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Adrian's Rojak Pot has posted the new REVISION 7.5 BIOS OPTIMIZATION GUIDE with 12 new or updated BIOS options

Covering a total of 183 BIOS options, this is the most comprehensive guide to BIOS tweaking... until the next revision, that is. :):

Here is the list of new or updated BIOS options :-

- Graphic Win Size
- Post Write Combine
- SDRAM 1T Command
- SDRAM 1T Command Control
- SDRAM Burst Len
- SDRAM Burst Length
- SDRAM Command Rate
- SuperStability Mode
- AGP Aperture Size
- APIC Function
- PCI Chaining
- PCI Target Latency
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Guides 11791 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Adrian's Rojak Pot has posted the new REVISION 7.4 BIOS OPTIMIZATION GUIDE

Covering a total of 175 BIOS options, this is the most comprehensive guide to BIOS tweaking... until the next revision, that is. :):

Here are the new additions :-

- AGP Fast Write
- CPU Level 3 Cache
- ISA Enable Bit
- L3 Cache
- Split Lock Operations

Here are the updated BIOS options :-

- HDD SMART Capability
- SDRAM CAS Latency Time
- SDRAM Cycle Length
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Guides 11791 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

This book provides comprehensive information about planning, designing, and implementing automated installations in medium and large organizations. Options range from automated installations of a basic operating system to complex installations of a customized operating system and applications. The technologies and tools discussed in this book include: unattended installation, image-based installation with the System Preparation (Sysprep) tool, and Remote Installation Services (RIS). IT professionals can use the guidelines discussed in this book to create a functional specification that describes how to automate the installation of Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional.
