PC Stats has posted two beginners guides: Basic Home Networking and File Sharing
The Tech Zone has updated their Hardware Price Index
Microsoft has published a guide about migrating from Windows NT Server 4.0 to Windows Server 2003
PC Stats has posted a Wireless home networking guide
OCAddiction has put up an article about upgrading to Peltier Cooling
Pimprig has posted a new article up on a method for filling and bleeding an inline water cooling setup.
KEPTech has posted part 2 of their Flash Guide
TweakHound has posted Version 2.0 of their Super XP Tweaking Guide
Hardware-Test has posted a new guide - "A software controlled 8-channel fanbus with parallel port interface"
GideonTech has a new guide up on how to make use of old 7-Segment displays.
TechJuice has posted a new guide: How to increase airflow to your PSU
Adrian's Rojak Pot has posted the ARP Distributed Folding Guide
Interested in helping scientists find better cures for diseases? If you are, come join our Distributed Folding team!Read more
Check out this excellent guide to Distributed Folding from our very own DF King, PY 222!
Keptech take a look at NetBIOS and explore how people out there are using NetBIOS to get into computers out there.
Modasylum has posted a Rounding Cables Guide
Because we are modders, we like to do our personal items. Most of the time we do it to add a personal touch on our mod, but the major reason would be : have fun by modding our rig. Many parts are sold on the web or in special stores, but these are most of the time expensive... why not building or modding our own things?Read more
USBMan has published a list of USB Bug Fixes corrected by Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Overclock-UK has posted a Window Mod guide
Zone365 has posted a guide about rounding your IDE cables
Modasylum has posted part 2 of their Windowing 101 series
Windows.. love em or hate em, they are the one mod everyone needs. "Why do we need them Bob?" I hear you ask, well the simple reason is that if you cant see into the case you cant see the CCFLs, LED fans, or water-cooling kit you've spent you hard earned £$£$s on!Read more
PCMag has posted the Wireless LAN Superguide