ASP.NET 2.0: Personalize Your Portal with User Controls and Custom Web Parts
ASP.NET 2.0 introduces a Web Part control set that is similar to the one Windows SharePoint Services in the sense that it was designed to deal with the serialization, storage, and retrieval of customization and personalization data behind the scenes. In t
ASP.NET 2.0: Personalize Your Portal with User Controls and Custom Web Parts
ASP.NET 2.0: Personalize Your Portal with User Controls and Custom Web Parts
ASP.NET provides a number of ways to maintain user state, the most powerful of which is session state. This article takes an in-depth look at designing and deploying high-performance, scalable, secure session solutions, and presents best practices for bot
Best Practices: Fast, Scalable, and Secure Session State Management for Your Web Applications
Best Practices: Fast, Scalable, and Secure Session State Management for Your Web Applications
SQL Server 2005 offers a completely redesigned SQL Server Integration Services engine, formerly known as Data Transformation Services. It includes many new features such as built-in support for Fuzzy Lookups and Fuzzy Groupings, which help you build power
SQL Server 2005: Fuzzy Lookups and Groupings Provide Powerful Data Cleansing Capabilities
SQL Server 2005: Fuzzy Lookups and Groupings Provide Powerful Data Cleansing Capabilities
The current version of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) satisfies many current and future manageability requirements. In this article Michael Jurek Demonstrates how WMI provides important system management capabilities and develops a WMI-aware
Call Mom: Instrument and Monitor Your ASP.NET Apps Using WMI and MOM 2005
Call Mom: Instrument and Monitor Your ASP.NET Apps Using WMI and MOM 2005
This month Dino Esposito compares the forms programming models of ASP.NET 1.x and ASP.NET 2.0. He covers cross-page posting, multiple forms in a page, redirection, and form rendering
Cutting Edge: ASP.NET Forms
Cutting Edge: ASP.NET Forms
Smart Navigation, ASP.NET Project Structure, and More
Web Q&A: Smart Navigation, ASP.NET Project Structure, and More
Web Q&A: Smart Navigation, ASP.NET Project Structure, and More
As application size and complexity increase, so do dependencies. One way to mitigate the proliferation of dependencies is by using the Dependency Injection pattern, which Griffin Caprio outlines this month
Design Patterns: Dependency Injection
Design Patterns: Dependency Injection
How do you automate the testing of a UI application that would ordinarily require human intervention to click message boxes and the like? Well, James McCaffrey has the answer, as he explains in this month?s Test Run column.
Test Run: Low-Level UI Test Automation
Test Run: Low-Level UI Test Automation
This month Stephen Toub explains how to use the Decorator design pattern to implement your own Stream-derived decorator class that lets you intercept and monitor every call to the stream, and how you can make your application a single-instance applicatio
.NET Matters: Stream Decorator, Single-Instance Apps
.NET Matters: Stream Decorator, Single-Instance Apps
Don't miss this important chapter from "Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security" where you'll learn to use VBA code to enable the options for development and disable them for end users.
Chapter 2: Protecting Your Database with Startup Options
Chapter 2: Protecting Your Database with Startup Options
Nebojsa Jojic and David Heckerman, Microsoft researchers, explain how text search techniques can be applied to the study of DNA, proteins, and disease
{ End Bracket }: Hacking the Immune System
{ End Bracket }: Hacking the Immune System
As Ballmer proclaims Lotus customers 'ripe to be plucked,' two more IBM executives switch to the Redmond camp.
Microsoft Continues to Raid Lotus
Microsoft Continues to Raid Lotus
The CLR Managed Debugger sample illustrates how to build a managed debugger.
CLR Managed Debugger (mdbg) Sample
CLR Managed Debugger (mdbg) Sample
Jeffrey talks about his experiences listening to .NET Rocks! while on duty with the Army Reserve in Iraq.
Jeffrey Palermo on ASP.NET and More
Jeffrey Palermo on ASP.NET and More
Software giant will also give New York state some of the $ 7 million culled from its settlement with Scott Richter.
Microsoft to fight crime with spammer's money
Microsoft to fight crime with spammer's money
DLLs for internationalized domain name support, Unicode normalization, and mitigation support for spoofing identity threats.
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Mitigation APIs 1.0
Microsoft Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Mitigation APIs 1.0
Microsoft warned of serious security flaws in Windows and urged users to patch as soon as possible.
Microsoft fixes serious Windows flaws
Microsoft fixes serious Windows flaws
Microsoft has settled a lawsuit against Scott Richter, whom it identified as a former "spam king."
Microsoft Settles Suit Against One-Time 'Spam King'
Microsoft Settles Suit Against One-Time 'Spam King'
Microsoft has settled a lawsuit against Scott Richter, whom it identified as a former "spam king."
Microsoft Settles Suit Against Former Spammer
Microsoft Settles Suit Against Former Spammer