Updates 1499 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Microsoft(R) .NET Framework version 1.1 includes ASP.NET Mobile Controls that enable developers to easily create mobile Web applications. Developers can write and maintain a single application that targets multiple devices.

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Updates 1499 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MSN Messenger is an instant messaging program that lets you send instant messages to your friends, and much more.

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Updates 1499 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Speech-Enabled ASP.NET Commerce Starter Kit application (CommerceVoice) is a voice-only version of the IBuySpy Commerce Sample in the ASP.NET Starter Kit, a fictional commerce Website for selling spy-related products. The application is built using Microsoft's Speech Application SDK Beta 4.

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Updates 1499 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Thanks CptSiskoX for this one:
I noticed a WinXP HighMAT update available on Windows Update tonight.

(similar info and possibly same file at: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2ddf1550-1c5c-44b3-87fc-9c6b37403c35&DisplayLang=en )

In any case... the link above is dated 9/2003 (September 2003). The update on Windows Update appears to be new. However, it's the only file I could find on www.microsoft.com/downloads that referred to HighMAT on XP. It's possible someone mistakenly misdated the page on microsoft.com - or the update on Windows Update could be a newer version. At any rate, if you have a CD or DVD burner on XP, you might want to look at Windows Update to see if the update is available for your PC. Windows Update referred to the new update in KB831240 (which I was unable to find in a search of http://support.microsoft.com/ ).

More info about HighMAT: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/Consumelectronics/highmat.aspx