Microsoft has put up a list of all bug fixes included in Windows 2000 Service Pack 3
Microsoft has released Service Pack 3 for Windows 2000
Check out this thread for links and information.
Check out this thread for links and information.
Microsoft has posted an updated DirectX 8.1b. Thanks DosFreak.
Microsoft has released a new update for Windows 2000
Microsoft has released the Microsoft Office XP Web Services Toolkit 2.0. Thanks Christian.
Microsoft has released Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3. Thanks DosFreak.
Microsoft has released two updates for Windows XP 64 Bit Edition:
WMI AccessCheck Receives Local Administrator
This update addresses the WMI AccessCheck Receives Local Administrator's SID issue in Windows XP, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article Q320678. Download now to avoid using the Administrator SID with WMI AccessCheck Method.
Windows Management Instrumentation Cannot Register Permanent Event Consumer with Dynamic Class
This update addresses the Windows Management Instrumentation Cannot Register Permanent Event Consumer with Dynamic Class issue in Windows XP, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article Q319322. Download now to allow registration of permanent consumers.
WMI AccessCheck Receives Local Administrator
This update addresses the WMI AccessCheck Receives Local Administrator's SID issue in Windows XP, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article Q320678. Download now to avoid using the Administrator SID with WMI AccessCheck Method.
Windows Management Instrumentation Cannot Register Permanent Event Consumer with Dynamic Class
This update addresses the Windows Management Instrumentation Cannot Register Permanent Event Consumer with Dynamic Class issue in Windows XP, and is discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) Article Q319322. Download now to allow registration of permanent consumers.
Adobe has released an update for Adobe Type Manager (ATM) 4.0. Thanks Phil.
Microsoft has released a new patch for Windows XP:
Windows Messenger unable to use internal camera of Sony VAIO Issue
Windows Messenger unable to use internal camera of Sony VAIO Issue
The PHP Group has released another developer release of PHP 4.3.0 for Windows.
The Microsoft Measurement Converter Smart Tag automatically locates and tags common international units of measurement in a Word 2002 document. Once it locates an international measurement, you can use the smart tag to convert the measurement to a different international unit of measurement. For example, if the smart tag detects "25 Celsius," you can click the smart tag to convert it to "77 Fahrenheit." You can also add new units of measurement and edit conversion rules.
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When you install this update, you are enabling Microsoft Word 2002 to connect to translation services provided by Bowne Global Solutions. Translation can be performed between English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. These services use computers to translate your document automatically. You can often use these translations to quickly determine the main ideas in a document.
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The .Net Framework Data Provider for Oracle is an add-on component to the .Net Framework
that provides access to the Oracle database. This provider relies upon Oracle Client Interfaces provided by the Oracle Client Software.
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This download provides the end-user Redistributable that developers may include with their product. The redistributable license agreement covers the terms under which developers may use the Redistributable. If you choose to distribute the Redistributable Code, you must include the files as specified listed in the Redist Directory Read Me file.
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The first alpha release of PHP w/ Zend Engine 2 is now available. It is based on the current PHP 4 CVS (4.3.0-dev) and includes the new scripting engine which greatly improves the object model, adds exception handling and provides a much better infrastructure for the integration of external technologies like Java or .NET.
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Microsoft has updated the Windows Platform SDK to include documentation, header files, and libraries for new APIs in Windows XP SP1 and Windows .NET Server.
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