Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn about the capabilities of the new SQL Server 2005 command-line query tool, SQLCMD that will replace the osql and isql utilities. This webcast shows how you can use the new Windows Management Instrumentation providers to configure services and network protocols and set up event notifications to keep you aware of changes to your servers. Presenter: Michiel Wories, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation  To avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-up blocker s...

TechNet Webcast: Scripting in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Discover how you can take your data from static reports to intelligence-based actions. During this webcast we'll explore the possibilities for leveraging a variety of Microsoft Business Intelligence oriented solutions. This will include the use of Microsoft SQL Reporting Services, Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Scorecards and the Solution Accelerator for Excel Reporting.   Presenter: Bryan Baker, Principal Consultant, Neudesic, LLC Bryan Baker is currently the principal consultan...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Driving Action Through Microsoft Business Intelligence Solutions (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

How can you get the most out of your messaging and collaboration environment? Learn about moving with minimal disruption from a Lotus Notes messaging environment to Microsoft Exchange or helping your existing Notes environment coexist with Exchange. This webcast covers the tools you need for migration and for coexistence. See how to move to Exchange with a controlled migration that is virtually transparent to your customers and partners, while maintaining the value of information currently on y...

TechNet Webcast: Learn about migrating Lotus Notes Messaging to Exchange from a Microsoft Partner with Real World Experience (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

The Web Services Enhancements for the Microsoft .NET Framework (WSE 2.0) enables you to send and receive SOAP messages by using the TCP protocol. You can now accomplish this with or without an HTTP server, making it possible to write flexible and lightweight Web services. The WSE 2.0 supports both a one-way messaging model and a request/response pair model. In this webcast, learn how to implement Web services that use message patterns and protocols that are not supported by the standard ASMX mo...

MSDN Webcast: Web Service Message Transmission using WSE 2.0 (Level 400)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Does your business depend on the interoperability of Microsoft SQL Server and CRM applications? Now that more CRM applications integrate with Microsoft .NET-enabled technologies, you can deliver business solutions at reduced total cost of ownership. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 offers specific benefits to CRM applications such as Siebel. This webcast explores the new capabilities of SQL Server 2005 that are of specific interest and benefit to users running their CRM applications in conjunction wit...

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 for CRM (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

How do you know whether your network is secure and how can you find out? This two-part series is designed to help organizations identify vulnerabilities to network attacks by planning and implementing processes. This first webcast shows how to plan your security assessment and how to gather information in a way that ensures the methods and results fit your organization's needs. This webcast specifically outlines the details and processes for gathering network security information about your o...

TechNet Webcast: Assessing Network Security (Part 1 of 2): Planning and Research (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn how you can use identity management solutions to create and manage user account information efficiently and securely across multiple systems within an enterprise. This webcast shows how identity information can be shared and synchronized, even when it is distributed across several different locations. Understand how access management solutions can help to ensure that user accounts are granted the appropriate access to resources across different systems in an enterprise network.    Pre...

TechNet Webcast: Identity and Access Management (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Many states have mandated integration of performance-based management practices into state & local government processes.  At this webcast, Kevin Mergruen of Information Builders & Dan Manrique of Microsoft will describe how to implement a Performance Management strategy, illustrated through management dashboards that provide real time information that will enable you to make informed decisions with the right information at the right time. ...

Microsoft amp; Information Builders Presents: Performance Based Management Dashboards

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Are you an Outlook user? Microsoft Office Outlook provides an integrated solution for managing and organizing e-mail messages, schedules, tasks, notes, contacts and other information. This webcast shows you how to manage Outlook more effectively. Also, discover how archiving your e-mail can help you improve your productivity. See how easy it is to make the most of Outlook!  Presenter: Chris Smith, Business Development Manager, Microsoft Corporation Chris Smith is currently a business developm...

Small Business Webcast: Learn How to Maximize Outlook and Discover E-Mail Archiving (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Architecture/Engineering (A/E) firms sell the knowledge and expertise of their people. Therefore, the primary financial management concern for A/E firms is the efficient management of labor resources. Organized in a case study format, this webcast is designed to help A/E decision makers better understand basic principals for financial management and the key financial metrics and "levers" for managing their firm more effectively, including: 1) A look at A/E industry financial ratios, how these a...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Financial Management in the Architecture and Engineering Industry (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Project Assistants' Drug Development Solution improves drug development, enabling pharmaceutical companies to choose drug candidates that will bring the greatest business values based upon balance, risk, and return on investment. The Drug Development Solution optimizes best practices to accelerate drug development and maximize key portfolio metrics. Leveraging Microsoft Office Enterprise Project Management platform, the Drug Development Solution integrates portfolio management, project manageme...

Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Increase Visibility into Your Drug Development Process with Project Assistants Drug Development Solution

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Are your field representatives spending more time with their computer than with your customers? This webcast will demonstrate how to increase your return on investment (ROI) and extend your information systems to the field using highly-mobile computing devices your field sales and service representatives will actually take with them. Find out how personnel in the field can be more productive and how to improve the quality of meetings with customers. Specifically, how Mobitor's Mobile Business M...

Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Increase Your ROI Using Wireless Enterprise Systems in the Field

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

See the vision Microsoft has for service orientation and service-oriented architecture in enterprise computing. This webcast will initially explore the promise of service orientation and discuss the role service orientation plays in developing connected systems. Next we will examine the Microsoft offerings and initiatives in the area of service orientation. We will conclude the discussion with practical guidance on skills and technologies you should invest in to capitalize on the short- and m...

MSDN Architecture Webcast: Connecting Your Business with Service Orientation (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This is the thirteenth webcast in the series entitled "Modern Software Development in .NET and C#", designed for Java, VB6 and C++ developers moving to .NET. This session highlights many of the powerful new features in the 2005 release of Visual Studio .NET (code name "Whidbey"). The discussion covers topics such as code snippets, code refactoring, edit and continue, debugging, and UML class diagrams. We also look at ClickOnce and Bootstrapper deployment and the new MSBuild platform.    Pre...

MSDN Webcast: What €:tm:s New in Visual Studio .NET 2005 (Part 13 of 15) (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

See the many ways you can extend your existing Notes/Domino applications with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server (SPS). WSS and SPS are central to the Microsoft collaboration platform, linking Microsoft products to provide a rich collaborative experience. In this webcast, you will see how to integrate WSS and SPS with non-Microsoft products such as Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino. Presenter: Gary Devendorf, Technical Evangelist for Collaboration, Mi...

TechNet Webcast: Optimizing SharePoint for the Lotus Notes Customer (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Keeping your customers happy is a concept that is truer now than ever before. Customers have more information, more choices and more power than ever before. Discover how small and mid-size retailers are leveraging technology to embrace and serve their customers in a whole new way. This strategy is allowing them to be successful, even when they don't have the lowest prices. Join Jim Dion of Dionco, INC. for this free 60-minute webcast and learn the key to successful retailing.  Presenter: Jim D...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Keeping the Customer King of YOUR Store (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Making good IT business decisions requires aligning with corporate strategy, defining and meeting measurable performance goals and gathering accurate information. In order to coordinate common goals and measure performance, Microsoft IT deployed an internally developed intranet application called the "IT Scorecard" to track such information. Learn how Microsoft IT uses metrics to build upon a strong foundation of operational excellence. Presenter: Ron Markezich, Chief Information Officer, Micr...

Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: A Conversation with Microsoft CIO Ron Markezich: Metrics

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Building on the concepts covered in parts one and two, this final webcast in the series focuses on delivering BI information from Project REAL to end users using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services and Analysis Services. The discussion includes a look at data delivery scenarios ranging from simple intranet cases to public Web services. Presenter: Dave Wickert, Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation To avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-up blocker software...

TechNet Webcast: Real-World Experience with a Business Intelligence System on SQL Server 2005 (Part 3 of 3): Presentation (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Tired of making trips to the fax machine only to find it's in use by someone else or part of your incoming document is missing? Make these troubles a thing of the past. Join us for a very informative webcast on how to set up your shared fax server in Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003. This is one part of the Small Business Server 2003 series you won't want to miss!  Presenter: Larry Garcia, Business Development Manager, Microsoft Corporation Larry Garcia has worked at Microsoft f...

Small Business Webcast: Shared Fax Server in Windows Small Business Server (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Data Isolation: How can it make your IT infrastructure safer, and how do you use Group Policies and Internet Protocol security (IPsec) to implement it? This three-part series presents the information and steps needed to implement data isolation using group policies and IPsec within an organization. Part one provides an overview of the nature of Internet Protocol security. Learn how IPsec can help manage the challenges to secure network communication, and the various ways you can implement IPs...

TechNet Webcast: Network Isolation Using Group Policy and IPSec (Part 1 of 3): Overview of Internet Protocol Security (Level 300)