Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Did you know that you can significantly increase organizational and departmental productivity by simply harnessing the intrinsic power of Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel? This webcast demonstrates an innovative system that promotes collaboration, manages workflow, stores all documents in a single central repository with access control and automatically maps and transfers data from one document to another. See how this system can easily collate and compile data into fully custom...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Managing, Tracking and Improving Business Processes Using Microsoft Excel and Word-Based Systems (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This is the fifteenth and final webcast in the series entitled "Modern Software Development in .NET and C#", designed for Java, VB6 and C++ developers moving to .NET. This session provides an overview of the exciting new Team System shipping with the 2005 release of Visual Studio. NET (code name Whidbey). Learn about the features built into Team System to enhance key stages of the development process, such as modeling, testing, change management and source code control.    Presenter: Joe Hu...

MSDN Webcast: The Microsoft .NET Team System (Part 15 of 15) (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Do you know whether the things you are doing to increase security is actually improving security? Are you sure that your security efforts map to any realistic threats - threats that you have decided to mitigate as part of your overall risk management strategy? In this webcast, we cover the top ten things that security professionals do that don't have any real impact on security. In some cases, these steps actually have exactly the opposite effect, as they compromise confidentiality, integrity...

TechNet Webcast: Security Myths (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This concluding episode provides a capstone review of the entire migration series. We will analyze a real case study, discuss migration strategies and review key tools and concepts learned throughout this series. Consolidate your knowledge and skill set from this series so you can return to your migration challenge and "Make It So." Presenter: Chris Henley, IT Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation Chris Henley is a member of the TechNet Seminar Sales Team, having worked in networking for the past...

TechNet Webcast: "Do or Do Not. There Is No Try!" (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Explore how to use performance reports and SQL Profiler for performance diagnosis in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. This webcast looks at the new performance reports in SQL Server Management Studio and shows how to use the data from these reports to collect properly scoped data using SQL Profiler and the Windows performance monitor. The end result: faster performance-problem diagnosis and resolution. Presenter: Vipul Shah, Program Manager, SQL Server, Microsoft Corporation To avoid possible probl...

TechNet Webcast: Performance Diagnosis in SQL Server 2005 (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Recent versions of Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) may encounter issues when running on Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack (SP2). In this webcast, we will examine in depth how Windows XP SP2 affects SQL Server, MSDE, Reporting Services and Analysis Services. We will also offer guidance on how to enable specific network protocols using Windows Firewall.  Presenter: Mike Benkovich, Developer Community Champion, Microsoft Corporation Mike Benkovich is a da...

MSDN Webcast: Running SQL Server on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn how to get the most value out of your Microsoft Office OneNote licenses with this exclusive webcast for OneNote customers. Join Scott Rockfeld, Microsoft senior product manager for OneNote, as he provides an overview of OneNote capabilities and other customer deployments. Scott will also provide answers to your questions on OneNote deployment and training resources.  Presenter: Scott Rockfeld, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft CorporationScott Rockfeld is a product manager for Microsoft ...

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Making Best Use of OneNote Licenses in Your Company (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Building upon the planning and research techniques presented in part one, this webcast shows how to implement penetration testing for intrusive network attacks, and also presents checklists that can help identify and remediate common issues. The webcast shows tools and processes you can use to scan systems for vulnerabilities, and concludes with a case study that incorporates all of these factors and puts them to work at a typical commercial enterprise scenario.    Presenter: Kevin Remde, T...

TechNet Webcast: Assessing Network Security (Part 2 of 2): Penetration Testing (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

One of the core tenets of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing initiative is "Secure by Default", and this tenet is a prominent feature in the design of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. SQL Server 2005 includes new tools and mechanisms to reduce the attack surface of a system. In this webcast we will demonstrate these tools and recommend best practices for reducing the surface area of your system. Presenter: Michael Raheem, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation To avoid possible problems, we s...

TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn how to deploy a secure Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 infrastructure and ensure that client connections to Exchange 2003 are as secure as possible. In this webcast you will learn how to increase the security of e-mail that flows through an organization's Exchange servers, and how to configure Exchange Server 2003 to reduce the amount of unwanted e-mail.    Presenter: Michael Murphy, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation   Michael Murphy joined the TechNet team in 2003 after spend...

TechNet Webcast: Implementing Exchange Server Security (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn how to maintain compliance when you have several different source systems. This webcast shows how Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services can help with maintaining accountability and traceability of data as it moves through the organization. We cover topics specific to data quality and compliance. Presenter: Kamal Hathi, Product Unit Manager, Microsoft Corporation To avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-up blocker software before viewing the webcast. ...

TechNet Webcast: Data Quality and Compliance with SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

What's new in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and how can you harness its substantial power? Attend this webcast to learn about the new features of SQL Server 2005 in particular its business intelligence capabilities. See how to deliver on the promise of "Business Intelligence for the Masses" through the implementation of a comprehensive, integrated Microsoft Office SharePoint Business Intelligence Portal that your organization can use to maximize teamwork, profitability and growth. The release of ...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: SQL Server 2005 and SharePoint: Integrated Business Intelligence For the Future (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

The Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2005 Web conferencing service helps you and your employees run and participate in interactive meetings around the world with remote teams, prospects, customers, partners, colleagues, and global audiences in real-time and at a moment's notice. With everyone participating from their desktops, teams can swap ideas, share information, mark up files, collaborate with whiteboards, or negotiate deals at a fraction of the cost of travel. This informative webcast shows ...

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2005 (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Reporting Services is a new report server and tool set for building, managing, and deploying enterprise reports.  Report Builder, a new component of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, allows business users to create their own reports using a user-friendly model of their data.  In this webcast we will showcase the functionality of Report Builder, a client application for custom reporting.     Presenter: Rob Jackson, MSDN Developer Community Champion, Microsoft Corporation   Rob J...

MSDN Webcast: End-to-End Data Access: Creating Compelling Reports with Reporting Services (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Have you ever experienced the occasional slowdown of your Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or of an application built on top of it? The causes can often be traced to a poorly designed application, improperly configured system or to design issues of SQL Server 2005 itself. You want to be able to diagnose the causes and take corrective actions when necessary. Join this webcast as we present the methodology to troubleshoot common performance problems, including resource bottlenecks, locking and blocking....

TechNet Webcast: Troubleshooting Performance Problems in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Want to learn more about Microsoft ActiveSync 4.0? This is webcast is for you. We focus on the practical use of ActiveSync, including what's changed with ActiveSync 4.0, how to troubleshoot it and where to find support for it.    Presenter: Chris De Herrera, Mobile Devices and Tablet PC MVP, PocketPCTalk.com   Chris De Herrera is a Microsoft most valuable professional for Mobile Devices and Tablet PC. He writes articles on the Microsoft Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC, Microsoft Windows Mo...

MSDN Webcast: A Practical Guide to Working with ActiveSync 4.0 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Security practices are as important at the office as they are on the internet. A primary gateway to your small business is through your desktop computers, so you need to know how to set up a digital defense that will help you enhance your desktop security. This Microsoft Office webcast features tips and tricks on how to better protect your company's desktops against external and internal threats. Learn the best practices to make sure your data is secure by using the security features in Microso...

Small Business Webcast: Get More from Your Products: Security in Your Office (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft Office has long been the primary tool for individual users to create and work with business information. With the built-in integration of Office 2003 with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and the implementation of some of the latest features of Microsoft SQL Server, it is now possible for Office to act as a platform for real enterprise Business Intelligence. This webcast shows you how you can leverage the power of SQL Server and the Office System to enable even more robust indivi...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Making Business Intelligence Part of Your Office Environment (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

In this month's Security360 webcast, host Mike Nash, security executive at Microsoft, explores the business rationale for security investments. Receive guidance from industry and Microsoft experts on the role security plays in furthering business objectives and achieving operational excellence. This webcast provides you with the information you need to make effective security decisions and plan for the future. As with every Security360, this webcast includes a checklist of recommendations and r...

Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Security360 with Mike Nash: Understanding the Business Value of Security

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

If you are like some Microsoft Office users, the year 2000 is alive and well in your favorite productivity applications. Let go of the past and step into a whole new era of workplace computing with tips and tricks for the Microsoft Office System. In this informative webcast, discover how the capabilities of Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 have evolved beyond those of Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2000 to help you create, present, and collaborate on presentations that have more impact.  Presente...

Microsoft Office System Webcast: My How You've Changed: Side-by-Side Tips for PowerPoint 2000 and PowerPoint 2003 (Level 100)