MSDN Architecture Webcast: patterns amp; practices Live!: Pattern Based Development using the .NET Framework (Level 100)
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (VS) uses the Microsoft .NET Framework to create the premier platform for building enterprise applications. However, few VS developers have been able to get the experience or find the appropriate training which would allow them to design large-scale, object-oriented enterprise systems. To meet the pressing need for training, Enterprise Software Architects, in association with the Microsoft patterns & practices team, have released a new course entitled "Patt...
MSDN Architecture Webcast: patterns amp; practices Live!: Pattern Based Development using the .NET Framework (Level 100)
MSDN Architecture Webcast: patterns amp; practices Live!: Pattern Based Development using the .NET Framework (Level 100)
See the concepts and tools you will need to develop Microsoft ASP.NET applications using the new Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0. Join this webcast to gain an understanding of the benefits of Microsoft's newest Web technology. Tune in to learn how to transition your applications smoothly from ASP to ASP.NET 2.0. Presenter: William J. Steele, MSDN Developer Community Champion, Microsoft Corporation William (Bill) Steele is a software developer with more than 15 years of experience working with ...
MSDN Webcast: Migrating from ASP to ASP.NET 2.0 (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: Migrating from ASP to ASP.NET 2.0 (Level 200)
Building Microsoft .NET Compact Framework custom controls with design time support has never been easier! In this webcast, we will demonstrate how to use features of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to build a DVD catalog application using Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Edition. We will also dig into the source code and discuss accessing data, passing information between forms, and building user interface that meets Microsoft Windows Mobile design guidelines. Presenter: Xin Yan, Software Develo...
MSDN Webcast: Creating Custom Controls for Managed Code with Design Time Support in Visual Studio 2005 (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: Creating Custom Controls for Managed Code with Design Time Support in Visual Studio 2005 (Level 200)
Learn to convert a PHP application to Microsoft ASP.NET 1.1. This webcast will cover the techniques and concepts you will need to migrate your own applications. The discussion also compares and contrasts the ways in which PHP hypertext preprocessing and ASP.NET manage validation and session state, event handling, database access, and authentication. Presenter: William J. Steele, MSDN Developer Community Champion, Microsoft Corporation William (Bill) Steele is a software developer wit...
MSDN Webcast: A Demonstration of PHP to ASP.NET 1.1 Conversion (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: A Demonstration of PHP to ASP.NET 1.1 Conversion (Level 200)
Learn the similarities and differences between Web application development using Microsoft ASP.NET and classic Microsoft Windows application development. This webcast is aimed toward Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 developers who are interested in getting started with creating ASP.NET Web applications. We examine the differences between creating desktop applications with Visual Basic 6.0 and creating ASP.NET Web applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. Presenter: William J. Steele, MSD...
MSDN Webcast: Moving from Visual Basic to ASP.NET 1.1 (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: Moving from Visual Basic to ASP.NET 1.1 (Level 200)
You have questions, we have answers. Don't miss the opportunity to interact with the pros who know the essentials of Microsoft .NET architecture. Join patterns & practices Live! as we answer your questions about architecture, patterns, design and application blocks live on the air. Presenter: Ron Jacobs, Program Manager, Microsoft CorporationRon Jacobs is a product manager for the Microsoft patterns & practices group, Ron's primary area of focus is en...
MSDN Architecture Webcast: patterns amp; practices Live! Ask patterns amp; practices (Level 300)
MSDN Architecture Webcast: patterns amp; practices Live! Ask patterns amp; practices (Level 300)
Send e-mail messages from a database engine using Database Mail, a new feature in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Database Mail, designed from the ground up for reliability, scalability, security, and supportability, uses Simple Mail Transfer Protocol for sending e-mail messages with no dependency on Outlook. Join this webcast and get a look at this new feature in SQL Server 2005. Presenter: Michael Raheem, Senior Program Manager, SQL Server, Microsoft Corporation To avoid possible problems, we s...
TechNet Webcast: Database Mail in SQL Server 2005 (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: Database Mail in SQL Server 2005 (Level 300)
Did you know that Microsoft has a 24/7 team that is dedicated to helping you deal with your security threats? The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) is a world-class resource for managing and resolving security vulnerabilities and incidents. The MSRC analyzes, develops and delivers security updates, tools and prescriptive guidance to help customers minimize security risks. This webcast covers the Microsoft security response process for releasing security bulletins and handling security...
TechNet Webcast: Inside the Microsoft Security Response Center (Level 100)
TechNet Webcast: Inside the Microsoft Security Response Center (Level 100)
See the tools and techniques that can help enable executives to make better decisions using real-time data across multiple sources within their business. This webcast will show you the importance of utilizing business intelligence (BI) within the Enterprise and how to leverage BI data using Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Reporting Services and the Microsoft BI Portal. Presenters:Sandy White, General Manager-Western Region, Magenic TechnologiesPeter Gratznger, M...
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Leveraging Business Intelligence for Better Business (Level 100)
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Leveraging Business Intelligence for Better Business (Level 100)
There are probably numbers and metrics in your business that you'd love to have at your fingertips, but these are the numbers your staff spends far too many man hours compiling and at the end of the day, the opportunity to make profitable decision from those numbers is gone. It doesn't have to be that way. Join us for this insightful webcast as industry expert Jim Dion of Dionco, Inc. describes how the scorecard they set up can achieve real-time retailing Nirvana. Presenter: Jim Dion, Preside...
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Real-Time Retailing: How to Develop a Winning Retail Scorecard (Level 100)
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Real-Time Retailing: How to Develop a Winning Retail Scorecard (Level 100)
Spam is a nuisance and dealing with it can cost organizations significant loss in productivity and resources. Minimize the impact of the influx of junk e-mail messages with new and enhanced anti-spam features in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. In this webcast, learn about the powerful built-in unsolicited commercial e-mail filtering tools designed to stop spam at the gateway, such as Accept and Deny lists and IP, sender, and recipient filtering. We introduce the Intelligent Message Filter (IMF)...
TechNet Webcast: Approaches to Fighting Spam in an Exchange Environment (Level 200)
TechNet Webcast: Approaches to Fighting Spam in an Exchange Environment (Level 200)
Collaboration services present the opportunity to create significant gains in organizational productivity by accelerating business cycles, speeding up problem resolution and increasing information awareness within and across corporate boundaries. Enterprises, however, must judiciously deploy collaboration services such as instant messaging, teamware and web conferencing to avoid infrastructure overlap, application redundancy and to create operational, hygiene and compliance efficiencies. Th...
Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: An Analyst's View of the Future of Collaboration
Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: An Analyst's View of the Future of Collaboration
See the new technologies and features designed to help customers and Microsoft SQL Product Support Services troubleshoot issues in Microsoft SQL Server 2005. This webcast will discuss and demonstrate new features for supportability built into the product for SQL Server Setup, the SQL Server Engine, SQL Server Replication, and SQL Server Analysis Services. Presenter: Bob Ward, Senior Escalation Engineer, Microsoft Corporation To avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-u...
TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 Troubleshooting: Supportability Features for SQL 2005 (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: SQL Server 2005 Troubleshooting: Supportability Features for SQL 2005 (Level 300)
Are you looking for strategies to improve the bottom line in your law firm? During this webcast will discuss topics including: 1) Industry best practices in budgeting and revenue projection 2) KPIs such as financial performance metrics, client service metrics, granular profitability metrics, ROI, firm growth, personal growth within the firm, internal and external benchmarks 3) Strategy - balanced scorecard 4) Using technology for management/financial reporting, dashboards, time keeping/billing/...
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Bringing Everything Together: Using Information to Improve the Bottom line (Level 100)
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Bringing Everything Together: Using Information to Improve the Bottom line (Level 100)
Are you using Lotus Notes for workflow? What you might not know is that workflow on the Microsoft Collaboration Platform is easy to create, change and manage. Using some simple tools, you can automate mundane processes and allow knowledge workers to focus on core tasks. Hear from SourceCode, the creators of, and learn how easy it can be to create industrial-strength workflow. Presenter: Gary Devendorf, Technical Evangelist for Collaboration, Microsoft Corporation & Jeff Shuey, SourceCod...
TechNet Webcast: Workflow in a Post-Lotus Notes Environment (Level 200)
TechNet Webcast: Workflow in a Post-Lotus Notes Environment (Level 200)
Are you satisfied with the way you're performing branch office backups? Are they as reliable and efficient as you'd like them to be? Join this webcast led by Calvin Keaton, Microsoft Information Technology (IT) operations manager, to learn how Microsoft uses Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) for branch office backup. This webcast will cover details of the Microsoft IT DPM deployment, including the return on investment and total cost of ownership analysis which drove the deci...
TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Deploys Customer Data Protection Scenarios with DPM (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Deploys Customer Data Protection Scenarios with DPM (Level 300)
Many states and other large government entities are considering consolidating data centers, telecommunication networks, e-mail and other "IT" Infrastructure in hopes of reducing costs and improving performance. As the previous chief information officer (CIO) for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Charlie Gerhards led that state's major "IT" Infrastructure consolidation and modernization efforts. Mr. Gerhards will present the opportunities that await those pursuing similar efforts as well as th...
Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Public Sector €œIT €? Infrastructure: Consolidation and Modernization
Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Public Sector €œIT €? Infrastructure: Consolidation and Modernization
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is on its way with significant enhancements and many new features. In this webcast we will look at the enhancements to the database storage engine in SQL Server 2005. See what has changed in the way rows are stored on pages, new data types, and partial availability, among many other items. Presenter: Don Vilen, Program Manager, SQL Server, Microsoft Corporation To avoid possible problems, we suggest you temporarily disable pop-up blocker software before viewing the...
TechNet Webcast: What's New in the Database Storage Engine in SQL Server 2005 (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: What's New in the Database Storage Engine in SQL Server 2005 (Level 300)
If you are like some Microsoft Office users, the year 2000 is alive and well in your favorite productivity applications. Let go of the past and step into a whole new era of workplace computing with tips and tricks for the Microsoft Office System. In this informative webcast, see how the capabilities of Microsoft Office Excel 2003 have evolved beyond those of Microsoft Office Excel 2000. Learn how to turn data into practical information with powerful tools that enable you to analyze, communicate...
Microsoft Office System Webcast: My How You've Changed: Side-by-Side Tips for Excel 2000 and Excel 2003 (Level 100)
Microsoft Office System Webcast: My How You've Changed: Side-by-Side Tips for Excel 2000 and Excel 2003 (Level 100)
Did you know that you can significantly increase organizational and departmental productivity by simply harnessing the intrinsic power of Microsoft Office Word and Microsoft Office Excel? This webcast demonstrates an innovative system that promotes collaboration, manages workflow, stores all documents in a single central repository with access control and automatically maps and transfers data from one document to another. See how this system can easily collate and compile data into fully custom...
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Managing, Tracking and Improving Business Processes Using Microsoft Excel and Word-Based Systems (Level 200)
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Managing, Tracking and Improving Business Processes Using Microsoft Excel and Word-Based Systems (Level 200)