Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 significantly extends the device development toolset that was introduced in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. Learn about Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Edition database development tools, COM Interop, the new Device Emulator, and other enhancements for Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC and Smartphone development, targeting Version 1 and Version 2 of the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework.    Presenter: Scott D. Smith, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation   ...

MSDN Webcast: Introduction to Managed Development for Devices with Visual Studio 2005 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

With Microsoft Office Publisher 2003, it is easier than ever to design, create, and publish professional marketing and communication material in-house. Give us 30 minutes of your time and see how easy it is to use Publisher 2003 to create nearly every type of document you will need. As a bonus, learn about Microsoft "Work Essentials" tools to help you work faster, better and more efficiently.  Presenter: John Stroiney, Business Development Manager, Microsoft Corporation John Stroiney, busines...

Small Business Webcast: Create Your Own Catalogs, Flyers and Business Cards with Publisher 2003 (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Leverage your Notes Domino environment using the collaborative features of Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003. This webcast walks through several methods of integrating Lotus Notes/Domino functionality in a SharePoint site. Some of these methods require no code and can be used by non-technical end-users, while other methods require writing small amounts of Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. You will be surprised at how easy this is. You won't find demos ...

TechNet Webcast: Methods for Integrating Lotus Notes and SharePoint (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

According to industry experts, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is one of the most installed database systems for data warehousing. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 incorporates new features to make managing and running data warehouses a little easier. From partitioning support to on-line operations, many improvements in the new release will benefit the lives of those responsible for running and maintaining data warehouses on SQL Server. This webcast walks through the new features and enhancements in SQL Ser...

TechNet Webcast: Data Warehousing Enhancements in SQL Server 2005 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Thank you for your interest in this webcast. Due to technical difficulties the recording for this session is temporarily unavailable.  We apologize for any inconvenience and are working to make this recording available as soon as possible.  Please check back shortly.Microsoft SQL Server 2005 offers a full spectrum of data mining capabilities. Still, knowing which tool or method best applies to your problem is not always obvious. This webcast shows you how to recognize the types of problems th...

MSDN Webcast: Applying SQL Server 2005 Data Mining to Enterprise Business Problems (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 makes it easy to create Web applications that target hundreds of devices. You can target Microsoft Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, cell phones and pagers, all from a single codebase. In this second of five webcasts, we'll show you how to work with each of the mobile controls, including Form, Panel, Calendar, PhoneCall, TextView, various validation controls and more. This webcast brings you what you will need to succeed in the Microsoft .NET Framework.    Presenter: Gl...

MSDN Webcast: Mobile Web Development with ASP.NET 2.0: Mobile Control Bonanza (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

If you have ever been curious how Microsoft handles information technology (IT) security, this webcast is one you will definitely want to see. The webcast begins with an overview of the Microsoft IT environment, and examines the challenges Microsoft IT faces in managing and securing that environment. Learn about the Microsoft IT approach to security as a risk management objective. The discussion also includes an examination of representative risks and the tactics undertaken to mitigate them t...

TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Does Security (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Business Intelligence (BI) applications can be counterproductive to your organization if they are not secure from hackers and spies. Learn ways to implement secure BI applications for both domain and non- domain users on Microsoft SQL Server 2005. This webcast describes approaches to data-level security. We examine extended enterprise applications that combine Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services content, Microsoft Office Web Components, M...

TechNet Webcast: Extending BI with SQL Server 2005: Emerging Best Practices for Large Scale Enterprise BI Applications (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 has some new performance and scalability features. Join this webcast as we look at data caching based on controls, Microsoft SQL Server and post-cache substitution. We start with controls as an easy way to configure caching. Then, utilizing features of Microsoft SQL Server 2005, we look at how SQL 2005 cache invalidation can integrate with the existing caching techniques. Finally, we explore post-cache substitution, which allows you, the developer, to do partial page cac...

MSDN Webcast: Improving Performance of ASP.NET 2.0 Using Caching (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn how the integrated and familiar server solutions from Microsoft make it possible for an information technology (IT) manager to reduce the total operational costs for their company while reducing the complexity of managing a multi-server environment. Join this webcast and find out how deploying Microsoft Windows Server System solutions enables IT managers to deliver greater quality of service, improved uptime, and significant overall business value. See for yourself how deploying Windows S...

Momentum Webcast: Optimize Your IT Environment with a More Secure and Well-Managed Infrastructure (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

How is Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 different from previous ASP.NET versions? ASP.NET 2.0 brings a number of internal changes to ASP.NET. These include changes to the code model, compilation, page life cycle, and more. Attend this webcast to find out how to mix multiple languages into your projects and learn how to extend the Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework.Mike Benkovich, MSDN Developer Community Champion, Microsoft Corporation   From minion to business owner, Mike Benkovich has been writing softwar...

MSDN Webcast: Changes in the ASP.NET 2.0 Internals (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

The multiple platform environment has become the sign of the times for information technology (IT). Virtual machine technology, which allows multiple operating systems to run concurrently on a single machine, could help boost your productivity and save IT operating costs. In this webcast we will take a look at Microsoft Virtual Server 2005, provide an overview of a virtual environment, and explain how and when to use this server product as compared to the Microsoft Virtual PC desktop product. W...

TechNet Webcast: A Technical Overview of Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

In previous versions of Microsoft ASP.NET, were you overwhelmed by the amount of new code required or the limited sources for consuming data? Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 minimizes code usage and opens up new ways of consuming data. Join this webcast as we examine how easy it is to utilize the new controls and features for using data. Data can now be consumed from a variety of sources, such as objects, SQL and XML. You will learn techniques to consume data in your applications with no or little code...

MSDN Webcast: Code-less Data Access in ASP.NET 2.0 (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Are you getting everything out of Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0 that it has to offer? In this webcast we show how to use IIS performance tuning tools, including System Monitor, Application Center Test, and Log Manager, to gather baseline performance information about a Web server. Then we'll tune that Web server's cache and test to see the results. Next we'll show you how to measure memory utilization and tune application pool configuration to optimize both performance and memory utiliz...

TechNet Webcast: IIS 6.0 Performance and Tuning (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Discover how the Microsoft Business Solutions-Great Plains Project Time and Expense module provides the control needed to precisely monitor time and expenses by project. In this webcast, learn how to manage project details more effectively. See how you can increase accuracy and control of project-related expenses by enabling employees to enter time and expense records through the Microsoft Business Solutions Business Portal. We will show you how managers can reduce paperwork, improve customer i...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Microsoft Great Plains Project Time and Expense with Business Portal 2.5 (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Ever wondered how Microsoft information technology (IT) manages and operates its Active Directory infrastructure? Do you think Microsoft employees are especially tolerant of downtime or performance issues? Microsoft has the oldest production Active Directory in the world (happily authenticating users since 1999). Come listen as Microsoft IT shares its best practices on everything from domain controller placement, performance monitoring and change management to disaster recovery, tools and 64-bi...

TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Manages Active Directory Infrastructure (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

In previous versions of Microsoft ASP.NET, were you overwhelmed by the amount of new code required? One of the key goals of the Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 development team was to significantly reduce the amount of code that developers must write. They succeeded. ASP.NET 2.0 has a variety of new controls for the developer to utilize. In this webcast, we examine the ASP.NET 2.0 TreeView control, ASP.NET 2.0 Menu control, ASP.NET 2.0 Wizard Control, ASP.NET 2.0 Validation control and other enhancemen...

MSDN Webcast: Dive into ASP.NET 2.0 Controls- and Theme-Skinning (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

What can Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) do for you? This webcast introduces the remarkable integration capabilities of SSIS, demonstrating how to write reusable, custom components with Microsoft .NET code. Perhaps you have some specific business logic you need to encapsulate for reuse? Or do you have some unique technology you would like to enable in your enterprise data integration? Custom components are easy to write for SSIS. They enable you to extend the rich functionali...

MSDN Webcast: Extending SQL Server Integration Services with Custom Components (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Sixty percent of all email hitting your network is spam. Last year alone businesses lost $22 billion due to dealing with unsolicited email. Left uncontrolled, spam severely impacts bandwidth on your network, storage space on your mail server, and support time of your information technology (IT) staff. This webcast discusses how Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 coupled with Microsoft Exchange Server can maximize the protection of your company's email while minimizing IT time spent main...

Momentum Webcast: Fighting Spam the Microsoft Way (Level 100)