TechNet Webcast: Scenario-based Solutions for Secure Windows Server 2003 Network Access (Part 1 of 2) (Level 200)
Using a foundation of a corporate office with a remote branch office and remote users, this series examines five scenarios for connecting external users to an internal network securely using Microsoft Windows Server 2003 solutions. This webcast demonstrates two of the five scenarios. We show you how to connect the branch office to the Internet and secure the communications between your public Web server and your Microsoft SQL Server. We configure a secure remote access solution with customiza...
TechNet Webcast: Scenario-based Solutions for Secure Windows Server 2003 Network Access (Part 1 of 2) (Level 200)
TechNet Webcast: Scenario-based Solutions for Secure Windows Server 2003 Network Access (Part 1 of 2) (Level 200)
The Microsoft Small Business Center is the one-stop resource for all your business needs. Marketing is one area that almost all small businesses can improve. The Small Business Center delivers assistance with marketing suggestions and resources. In this webcast, we teach you how to create marketing materials and send them out to a large audience using the List Builder. Join us for this free webcast and find out what other resources are available to you through Microsoft Small Business Center. ...
Small Business Webcast: Small Business Center: Your Resource for Creating Great Marketing Materials (Level 100)
Small Business Webcast: Small Business Center: Your Resource for Creating Great Marketing Materials (Level 100)
Learn how to get the most out of your Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 investments. This webcast shows you how to open shared calendars and contacts, along with many other valuable tips and techniques that can help you work more efficiently. Find out how to make these solutions work for you. Presenter: Chris Smith, Business Development Manager, Microsoft CorporationChris Smith is currently a business development manager on the Microsoft Across Am...
Small Business Webcast: Using Microsoft Exchange Server in Small Business Server 2003 (Level 100)
Small Business Webcast: Using Microsoft Exchange Server in Small Business Server 2003 (Level 100)
Once your database structure is in place, there is no better time for you to make a backup. This webcast covers creating and implementing database and log backups in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, including the testing and automating of your backup strategy. The earlier you start planning your backup strategy, even with an empty shell, the more refined it will be by the time you deploy it into production. Planning your backups from the beginning can be very helpful in recovering your development ...
MSDN Webcast: A Primer to Proper SQL Server Development (Part 2 of 10): Creating a Reliable and Automated Backup Strategy (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: A Primer to Proper SQL Server Development (Part 2 of 10): Creating a Reliable and Automated Backup Strategy (Level 200)
Problem resolution is one of the most time-consuming and costly tasks in project life cycles. Learn how Identify's AppSight enhances Microsoft Visual Studio Team System by accelerating problem resolution. Identify Software has developed black box technology which transparently captures a complete record, from user actions to code-level trace, of every uncovered defect. The record is created while testers execute manual and automated tests through Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Test Editio...
MSDN Webcast: Increasing the Acceleration of Problem Resolution in Visual Studio Team System (Level 100)
MSDN Webcast: Increasing the Acceleration of Problem Resolution in Visual Studio Team System (Level 100)
A professional service organization must artfully balance many vital tasks. It must manage financial and operational aspects of the business, identify and sell to new accounts, maintain client relationships, and manage projects. In this webcast, we examine key performance indicators that relate to planning, budgeting, cash flow and profits. Most importantly, we discuss best practices for reporting and managing data. Find out how you can leverage technology solutions to make these tasks easier a...
Momentum Webcast: Keeping Your Hand on the Tiller: Successful Financial Management for Professional Service Firms (Level 100)
Momentum Webcast: Keeping Your Hand on the Tiller: Successful Financial Management for Professional Service Firms (Level 100)
Release your business potential and enhance productivity by providing role-based access to information and processes from a single Web-based portal. Join this webcast to learn how to unlock the potential of your employees and resources with Microsoft Business Portal 2.5 and the Requisition Management module for Microsoft Business Solutions-Great Plains. The Requisition Management application allows employees, managers, supervisors and purchasers to enter and approve purchase requests. This modu...
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Microsoft Great Plains Requisition Management for Business Portal 2.5 (Level 100)
Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Microsoft Great Plains Requisition Management for Business Portal 2.5 (Level 100)
Delivering capital-intensive projects on time and on budget is a constant challenge, particularly in the energy infrastructure industry. In this webcast we illustrate how an infrastructure lifecycle management solution can help your organization optimize the planning, building and operational phases of capital projects. Gain valuable insights on how to track projects, budgets and schedules in one system of records. Learn how to integrate project data into other systems. Qualified attendees are ...
Microsoft Office System Webcast: Optimizing Capital Projects for Oil and Gas Organizations (Level 100)
Microsoft Office System Webcast: Optimizing Capital Projects for Oil and Gas Organizations (Level 100)
This is the first in a four-part series of webcasts highlighting key concepts for developing Microsoft Office Information Bridge Framework (IBF) solutions. This webcast provides an overview of both the business logic and the architecture of the IBF. Using the IBF, you can develop powerful solutions that connect Microsoft Office System programs to line-of-business systems in an intuitive, cost-effective way. These solutions enable information workers to view, retrieve, and act on critical line...
MSDN Webcast: Information Bridge Framework (Part 1 of 4): Business Logic and Architecture Overview (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: Information Bridge Framework (Part 1 of 4): Business Logic and Architecture Overview (Level 200)
Once your database structure is in place, there is no better time for you to make a backup. This webcast covers creating and implementing database and log backups in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, including the testing and automating of your backup strategy. The earlier you start planning your backup strategy, even with an empty shell, the more refined it will be by the time you deploy it into production. Planning your backups from the beginning can be very helpful in recovering your development ...
MSDN Webcast: MSDN: A Primer to Proper SQL Server Development (Part 2 of 10): Creating a Reliable and Automated Backup Strategy (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: MSDN: A Primer to Proper SQL Server Development (Part 2 of 10): Creating a Reliable and Automated Backup Strategy (Level 200)
Do you have an effective way to secure your network perimeter against risks introduced by the Internet, remote users and remote network segments? Learn how Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004 can help protect against all of these threats and more. This webcast demonstrates how ISA Server 2004 can enhance security for internal servers as well as external-facing resources such as Microsoft Exchange Server or Microsoft Internet Information Services. We also show how to...
TechNet Webcast: Securing the Network Perimeter with ISA Server 2004 (Level 200)
TechNet Webcast: Securing the Network Perimeter with ISA Server 2004 (Level 200)
Join us for this webcast, one of the top-rated breakout sessions (SVR321) from Tech·Ed 2005 in Orlando, Florida, as we discuss the technical details of a number of curious configurations, unusual design decisions, and unexpected events arising during field deployments of Active Directory. Presenters Chris Tardif and Pat Telford, who have been involved with Active Directory deployments totaling more than 250,000 seats, illustrate real-life pitfalls of designs and deployments that you wonâ€
t want ...
TechNet Webcast: Active Directory Design and Deployment: Tales of the Unexpected (Level 300)

TechNet Webcast: Active Directory Design and Deployment: Tales of the Unexpected (Level 300)
Many mission-critical applications run on IBM host mainframe computers, relying on structured data stored in IBM DB2 and IMS databases. Yet, most knowledge workers utilize Web and Office-based productivity, analysis and reporting tools. Enterprise IT organizations struggle how to provide efficient access to the line-of-business data for key decision-makers. One effective approach is to build operational data stores in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 . Yet, there are many considerations when designin...
TechNet Webcast: Integrating Existing Information in IBM DB2 using SQL Server 2005 and Host Integration Server (Level 200)
TechNet Webcast: Integrating Existing Information in IBM DB2 using SQL Server 2005 and Host Integration Server (Level 200)
What is Sybase DataWindow .NET, and how does it affect Microsoft Windows Forms application development? DataWindow .NET is a set of Dynamic Link Libraries that interface between Microsoft Visual Basic .NET or Microsoft Visual C# .NET application programs and the back end DataWindow server. DataWindow .NET delivers features such as maintaining data buffers, sorting, filtering, exporting data to a variety of file formats, and DataWindow expressions. In this webcast, we explain and demonstrate ...
MSDN Webcast: DataWindow .NET: Windows Form Application Techniques (Level 100)
MSDN Webcast: DataWindow .NET: Windows Form Application Techniques (Level 100)
Tackle one of the toughest customers in the scripting world: Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. This webcast examines the Microsoft technologies that make Exchange script-accessible, including Collaboration Data Objects (CDO), CDO for Exchange Management, Windows Management Instrumentation, ActiveX Data Objects, and Active Directory Service Interfaces. Get an in-depth look at scripts capable of monitoring and managing Exchange, and learn about the capabilities and limitations of Exchange Server sc...
TechNet Webcast: Mastering Exchange Server Scripting (Level 300)
TechNet Webcast: Mastering Exchange Server Scripting (Level 300)
See how Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 make it easier than ever to create professional Microsoft Windows Forms applications. Join this webcast and see how Windows Forms integrate seamlessly with familiar Microsoft products such as Microsoft Office System and Internet Explorer. Presenter: Anand Iyer, Developer Community Champion, Microsoft CorporationAnand Iyer brings a wealth of real-world coding experience to his work as Developer Community Ch...
MSDN Webcast: Creating Professional-Looking Windows Forms Applications with Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0 (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: Creating Professional-Looking Windows Forms Applications with Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0 (Level 200)
After completing this lab, you will be able to: Create a new BizTalk project. Create an XML schema by using BizTalk Schema Editor. Promote a schema property. Create a file schema by using BizTalk Schema Editor. Validate a schema and generate a sample instance message. Build a schema project....
Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 - Creating Schemas Virtual Lab
Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 - Creating Schemas Virtual Lab
See the new Oracle Developer Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, a tightly-integrated tool set that makes building Microsoft .NET applications for the Oracle database easier and faster. Watch demonstrations of designer and wizard tools that allow you to create and alter schema objects. We also show you an integrated PL/SQL editor, drag-and-drop automatic code generation and more. Get a preview of what is coming up in Oracle Database 10g Release 2, including .NET stored procedure support a...
MSDN Webcast: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET (Level 200)
MSDN Webcast: Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET (Level 200)