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Recorded April 19th, this webcast featured a demonstration of the Visio Connector for Microsoft's Baseline Security Analyzer and Orbus Software's iServer for Visio Visimation Visimation, who partnered with Microsoft to develop the MBSA Connector for Visio, demonstrated how this tool enhances the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer by displaying scan results on network diagrams. Orbus Software iServer for Visio allows teams working on business process management, network design or ot...
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In an ideal world it would be possible to produce failure free commercial software but, unfortunately, there is no known development process and or language that can guarantee such software. To improve the overall quality of the Microsoft Windows operating system, analysis has been performed to understand which attributes (size, complexity, churn, etc.) have the greatest impact on subsequent product quality. Based on this analysis, a model has been developed to estimate the risks associated w...
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Are you using managed or unmanaged code or perhaps a combination of the two? Do you write your own safe arithmetic functions? In part three of this three-part webcast series, we will focus on the need for secure code; defending against Memory Issues and Arithmetic Errors. We will discuss defending against arithmetic errors such as underflows and overflows, another concern for developers, will also be covered in the final part of this three-part series. Presenter: Mike Benkovich, Developer Com...
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Facilitate enterprise application integration (EAI) within your organization and between business partners to automate business-to-business processes using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004. Join this webcast as we look at EAI technologies and how they can help you efficiently and effectively integrate systems, enabling them to automate and orchestrate interactions in a highly flexible manner. A new feature of BizTalk Server 2004 is Application Integration; we will look at Maps and the BizTalk Ma...
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Explore the features and terminology of the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and .NET programming languages. This series offers techniques you can use to help secure, deploy, and update .NET applications. This webcast presents a general overview of key .NET concepts, and focuses on deployment topics such as historical deployment problems and no-touch deployment. The next webcast will look at approaches to security and application updating. Presenter: Russ Fustino, MSDN Developer Community ...
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Remember the good old days of Y2K? If you're like some Microsoft Office users, the year 2000 is alive and well in your favorite productivity applications. Let go of the past and step into a whole new era of workplace computing. The capabilities of Microsoft Office Word 2003 go well beyond what was possible in Microsoft Office Word 2000. Join us for this informative webcast and learn how Word 2003 goes beyond Word 2000, taking customer experience and feedback to deliver innovations you can...
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Create and deploy business policies and rules using the Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004 Business Rules Engine (BRE). Beginning with an examination of the Rules Engine architecture and we will show how BRE integrates with and complements orchestration. Learn how to create vocabulary definitions against XML, DB and .NET objects, and how to test and publish effective policies using the policy testing tools. The webcast also covers language converters, fact retrievers, and rule set interceptors, a...
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Maintain tight control over strategic direction, support resources effectively, and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. Join us for this webcast and learn how Microsoft Business Solutions Project Accounting and Project Time and Expense, connect project activities with company financials, provide extensive reporting capabilities, help ensure accurate accounting and billing processes throughout project life-cycle, and streamlines time and expense management allowing yo...
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Does your organization still manually answer the phone to reset forgotten passwords, losing between $15 and $30 per incident according to industry analysts? Switching to a telephony-based self-service solution lowers this cost dramatically, freeing up your people to do better things. Until recently, switching to telephony-bases self-service was complicated. Now, however, Microsoft Speech Server, a member of the Windows Server System, integrates telephony-based speech recognition with your IT in...
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Your business success depends on connecting and sharing information with your colleagues, partners and customers. Find out how Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2005 can help you work together more effectively with teams - without leaving your desk. We will show you how Live Meeting facilitates project management, brainstorming and collaboration, and steps you can take to make your team meetings even more productive and cost-effective. Presenter: Joelle Thompson, Business Development Manager, M...
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This webcast continues to track the processes of the Security Risk Management Guide, designed by Microsoft to help organizations establish a process for risk assessment, cost benefit analysis, and implementation of security countermeasures. This webcast provides detailed information on performing a complete Risk Assessment process at your organization, tying in best practices from both the industry as well as Microsoft's internal IT Group. Presenter: Kai Axford, Security Specialist, Micr...
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While it would be easy to use simple metrics to assess project management performance, this approach limits an organization's ability to align enterprise projects accurately with corporate goals, values and performance. This webcast examines how AAA of Northern California utilized a highly successful portfolio management approach that involved establishing a project governance process that ties the project portfolio to business goals, and implementing portfolio management software from ProSight...
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SQL Server includes a suite of replication technologies that enable a wide range of distributed database applications. SQL Server 2005 introduces a few new scenarios including Web synchronization of merge replication for mobile and distributed data applications, Oracle publishing for integration with Oracle databases, and peer-to-peer replication. In this final webcast in our ten-part series, learn how you can benefit from these scenarios with an enhanced ability to monitor the entire distribut...
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To gain the competitive edge, organizations need to realize significant product development efficiencies. Immedient's Collaborative Product Development (CPD) Solution supports efficient product development across the entire organization, while enabling a holistic view of both the product life cycle and product design process. With visibility into the portfolio of product development initiatives throughout the organization, the solution provides management insight and control to gain a competi...
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Building upon the previous webcasts on how to secure your enterprise's network perimeter with Internet Security Acceleration (ISA) Server 2004, this final webcast will demonstrate how ISA Server 2004 can enhance security for external-facing resources such as Exchange Server or Internet Information Services. We will show how ISA Server can operate as a virtual private networking server for more secure remote access to the internal network. Presenter: John Baker, TechNet Presenter, Micros...
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One strategy for improving code quality is to utilize static code analyzers that can identify potential code defects early in the development process. The earlier a bug is identified, the less it costs to fix it. This webcast focuses on Microsoft code analysis tools and the changes these tools have brought internally to the company. The discussion includes experiences of Microsoft product teams, changes brought about to the Microsoft development process, and the path code analysis and other r...
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While migration to a newer platform is recommended, many customers have key business applications that run only on legacy operating systems. This first of three presentations about mitigating threats to legacy systems provides prescriptive information on hardening Windows NT networks, with the goal to reduce the risk of Windows NT systems as much as possible. Presenter: Harold Wong, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation Harold Wong is a senior technology specialist with the TechNe...
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The Microsoft Small Business Center is truly the one place all small businesses should visit. It offers important information to help run your business including how to begin marketing your business online to increase sales and awareness of your products or services. Join this webcast as the Microsoft Small Business Web Director takes you through what this valuable resource has to offer. Presenter: Frederick DeWulf, US Small Business Web Director, Microsoft Corporation Frederick DeWulf is th...
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In today's collaborative and mobile environment, access to a company's digital assets no longer ends at the edge of the company network. Partners, vendors, and employees all may have access to your company network. On this month's Security360, host Mike Nash discusses how you can manage security access rights in your organization. Learn more about the process of authentication, authorization, and audit and reduce the complexity of your digital identity life cycle. As with every Security360, thi...
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Microsoft Office Word is one of the most used software applications in the small business world. In the previous webcast you learned how to collaborate with others using Word, building on this you will now learn how to format documents, protect the formatting and distribute your documents for use in your organization. Presenter: Greg Randall, Business Development Manager, Microsoft Corporation Greg Randall joined Microsoft in 2001 as a business development manager on the Microsoft Across Am...
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