Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Unlock business potential and enhance productivity by providing user-specific access to information and processes from a single Web-based portal.  Built on Microsoft .NET technologies, Microsoft Business Solutions Business Portal 2.5 integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Business Solutions-Solomon to deliver applications, information, and processes to employees, customers and partners across the enterprise.  This webcast will provide an overview on how to accelerate productivity across your busi...

Microsoft Business Solutions Webcast: Discover the Benefits of Business Portal 2.5 for Microsoft Business Solutions - Solomon (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn why Location-Based Services (LBS) is one of the hottest areas of Microsoft Windows Mobile device development. LBS solutions allow access to relevant content and services based on the user's location, including maps, points of interest, driving directions, and enterprise scenarios. This webcast reviews some of the latest LBS enterprise solutions and explores GPS options, mapping solutions, and Windows Mobile configurations.    Presenter: Steve Milroy, Microsoft Regional Director, Conne...

MSDN Webcast: Location-Based Services and Windows Mobile (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

While migration to a newer platform is recommended, many customers have key business applications that run only on legacy operating systems. Building upon the previous webcast, this session provides prescriptive information on hardening Windows NT clients and servers, with the goal to reduce the risk of Windows NT systems as much as possible.    Presenter: Harold Wong, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation   Harold Wong is a senior technology specialist with the TechNet Presenter Team....

TechNet Webcast: Threat Mitigation for Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 (Part 2 of 3): Mitigating Threats for Computers Running Windows NT (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn how to combine Software Assurance resources with Desktop Deployment best practices and solution accelerators to help streamline and accelerate your deployment initiatives. This webcast will demonstrate Software Assurance tools such as Windows PE and how it works with the Desktop Deployment solution accelerator to create a zero-touch deployment solution. Presenter: David Smith, Senior Consultant, Entirenet  David Smith has been in IT for a lo-o-o-o-ng time, having developed computer prog...

TechNet Webcast: Streamline and Accelerate Your Deployments with Software Assurance (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Working from home? Learn the ins and outs of coworker collaboration. By following guidelines like attending meetings in the office once a week, you can create a seamless home/work connection. This free webcast will be 60-minutes well spent as you learn how collaboration and connectivity can help create work life balance that works for you.  Presenter: John Stroiney, Business Development Manager, Microsoft Corporation John Stroiney, business development manager for the Microsoft Across America...

Small Business Webcast: Tools for Work Life Balance: The Ins and Outs of Coworker Collaboration (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This webcast concludes the series overview of the Security Risk Management Guide, designed by Microsoft to help organizations establish a process for risk assessment, cost benefit analysis, and implementation of security countermeasures. This webcast shows how to convert information-gathering and assessment into careful planning, implementation, and metrics for your Risk Management program. We will conclude by presenting best practices from both the industry as well as Microsoft's internal IT...

TechNet Webcast: Security Risk Management (Part 3 of 3): Decisions, Controls, and Program Effectiveness (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Many bodies of code grow old and die before their time. These systems still perform their jobs well enough, but it becomes impossible to extend or improve them. Touch something here, and something way over there breaks. To avoid this, you have to pay attention to the health and well-being of your code base every day. This webcast shows you how consistently refactoring your code base can protect it from this early, ignominious death and helps to maintain its long-term value.    Presenter: Br...

MSDN Webcast: Refactoring For Your Code Base (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Windows Server 2003, the latest server operating system from Microsoft, builds upon the security, reliability, and performance improvements implemented in previous versions. Organizations need these continuing improvements as their networks develop and network usage evolves with new technologies. Organizations also need Service Pack 1 (SP1) to protect themselves from an increasing variety of network and computer attacks. The technology enhancements provide a more secure environment increasing...

TechNet Webcast: Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1: Technical Overview (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This webcast will provide you an overview on how to build and deploy localized Windows Forms applications with Visual Studio 2005. We will browse through the major enhancements related to globalization/localization in Visual Studio .NET and the .NET Framework. Some basic knowledge of the new resource model should be acquired prior to this webcast by viewing the following video presentation “Using Managed Resources�. If you are new to internationalization topics you might also wish to preview ...

MSDN Webcast: International Features in .NET Framework (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Recorded March 22nd 2005 This webcast featured a demonstration of the Abydos Designer and D-Tools System Integrator IV.   Abydos Limited  Abydos Designer is a powerful Visio-based process modeling product that allows business processes to be designed, maintained and fully integrated with third-party IT applications. Abydos Designer dynamically translates process diagrams into workflow rules thereby eliminating the cost of developing application code.    D-Tools System Integrator IV ties ...

Visio Partner Webcast - Abydos Designer amp; D-Tools System Integrator 4 (SI4)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Is your field sales force chartered with growing the business in an increasingly competitive environment, as well as holding the line on operating costs? Mobile Sales Force Automation solutions based on the Microsoft Windows Mobile platform can help increase your sales team's productivity, and arm them with critical information where they need it the most - in the field. In this webcast we will examine the areas where mobile sales solutions can offer real business value, and the options for ext...

Microsoft Executive Circle Webcast: Driving Field Sales Productivity with Line of Business Solutions on the Windows Mobile Platform

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

40% of application development projects are canceled before completion, and a third of the remaining projects are challenged by cost/time overruns. This webcast looks at the new features in Microsoft Project Standard 2003 that can help you avoid pitfalls and minimize IT project manager pains. Learn to use templates to set up projects quickly, track edits easily between different project versions, and import resource information from other applications. Find out how Project 2003 Standard can s...

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Successful Project Management in Information Technology (Level 100)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This is the tenth webcast in the series entitled "Modern Software Development in .NET and C#", designed for Java, VB6 and C++ developers moving to .NET. This session explores the concept of inheritance and how to use it effectively. The discussion covers a range of topics including inheritance and "is-a", polymorphic programming, design reuse with abstract base classes, code reuse with concrete base classes, and inheritance in the FxCL using Collections and Exceptions. We also demonstrate how...

MSDN Webcast: Inheritance: Design and Code Reuse (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Since its release as part of Microsoft SQL Server 2000, SQL Server Reporting Services has evolved. This webcast is your opportunity to learn about the new capabilities and improvements to SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, including enhancements to performance and scalability, tighter integration with Microsoft Office and Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server, and new features like Report Builder for end user, self-service reporting. Developers will also benefit from closer integration with Micro...

TechNet Webcast: Overview of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Learn about the process and business management components of secure coding practices and gain an understanding of Microsoft's vision for future secure software development solutions. This session will offer best practices for development within an organization's Application Security Assurance Program (ASAP), including an outline for launching an ASAP in your own enterprise. We will provide resources for developers to keep up-to-date on the latest secure coding techniques as well as updated inf...

MSDN Webcast: Developer €:tm:s Defense: Application Security Assurance Programs (ASAP) (Level 200)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This webcast will contrast two of Microsoft's own hosted portal offerings: a high density shared hosting service and a dedicated customized portal service offering. The discussion will detail the business requirements for the service offerings, the technical details on implementation and execution, and finally discuss the realized value of our current service offering. Demos will be shown of both the enterprise central portal (MSWeb) and the Microsoft Sales Portal. Presenter: Scott St. Jean, S...

TechNet Webcast: How Microsoft IT Does SharePoint Portal Server Hosting. (Level 300)

Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

In part one of a three-part episode we lay out the options and terminology associated with Exchange migrations and interoperability. Once that is established, this presentation proceeds to discuss the tools and techniques to use, followed by a demonstration of the Exchange deployment tools. Presenter: Chris Henley, IT Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation Chris Henley is a member of the TechNet Seminar Sales Team, having worked in networking for the past 12 years. With experience emphasizing Wind...

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Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

You have learned about networking and recovery options in Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), now we will show you how to maintain your Windows desktop. This webcast will show you how to set up your Windows desktop for easy and quick reboots using the hibernation feature, and how to protect your files during a power outage.  Presenter: Ed Faulkner, Business Development Manager, Microsoft Corporation Ed Faulkner was formerly the IT director for the school district in Palo Alto, Californ...

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Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

This series describes how identity management solutions can be used to create and manage user account information efficiently and securely across multiple systems within an enterprise. Having described the principles and concepts of Access Management in the first webcast, this presentation shows in more detail how to apply these principles and methods specifically to your organization's intranet, and how to apply them to an external network.    Presenter: Chris Avis, TechNet Presenter, Micr...

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Webcasts 464 Published by Bob 0

Recorded April 19th, this webcast featured a demonstration of the Visio Connector for Microsoft's Baseline Security Analyzer and Orbus Software's iServer for Visio   Visimation Visimation, who partnered with Microsoft to develop the  MBSA Connector for Visio, demonstrated how this tool enhances the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer by displaying scan results on network diagrams.   Orbus Software iServer for Visio allows teams working on business process management, network design or ot...

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