Howtogeek posted a tutorial about getting SSH access to your Windows 7 machine posted a news story that the current list of updates for Windows 7 Service Pack 2 include 132 updates for x86 Windows 7 SP2, 171 updates for x64 Windows 7 SP2 and 114 updates for IA-64 Windows Server 2008 R2 SP2 systems
eTechnix shows you how to change driver letters in Windows 7
Ed Bott takes a look at the performance of SSD running under Windows 7 published a troubleshooting guide for Windows 7 Service Pack 1
TechARP updated their Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Roadmap
Paul Thurrott takes a quick look at Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Computing on Demand has posted part 2 of their Essential Windows 7 Tweaks series
All About Microsoft takes a look at the feature set of Windows 7 Service Pack 1/Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 posted a news story that Microsoft Enterprise Services employee Alex Kibkalo, claiming that Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is ready for release with the build string 7601.17514.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850 posted a news story that the first service pack for the operating system isn't too far away.
TechARP reports that the KB976902 update is back posted a tutorial about uninstalling Gadgets in Windows 7
Howtogeek shows you how to enable stereo mix in Windows 7
Ars Technica reports that 20% of Windows users now using Windows 7
Computing on Demand has posted a new article, 'Essential Windows 7 Tweaks: Part 1'
Howtogeek posted a tutorial about tweaking the Low Battery settings on your Windows 7 netbook
PC World reports that Amazon has confirmed that the sales of Windows 7 Family Pack will end by December 31 posted a guide about disabling Windows Aero Transparency in Windows 7 shows you how to create a system diagnostics report in Windows 7