Neowin reports that Microsoft has officially confirmed that Windows 7's release date will be October 22nd
Mirosoft's Brandon LeBlanc posted some details on the upcoming Windows 7 Starter Edition
Tech ARP posted an article on the downgrade rights for Windows 7 and Windows Vista analyzed the hard drive and SSD performance of Windows 7
Ars Technica posted a roundup of all the UI changes between Windows 7 build 7000 and Windows 7 build 7100.
Neowin reports that another build of Windows 7 has been leaked to the Internet
Microsoft sending out reminder emails that Windows 7 Beta will expire in August
Mary-Jo Foley posted the maximum specs for Windows 7 netbooks
Supersite for Windows posted screenshots of Windows 7 Build 7127
Neowin reports that Windows 7 build 7127 has been leaked to the Internet
Paul Thurrott published part 3 of his upgrading to Windows 7 series
The Tech Report tried out Windows 7's XP Mode
Bink posted a news story that Microsoft has released the first fix for the 32-bit version of Windows 7 Release Candidate
Microsoft's Brandon LeBlanc reports that Microsoft will release up to ten test updates to PCs running the Windows 7 RC in order to verify our ability to deliver and manage updating of Windows 7 in certain real-life scenarios.
SuperSite for Windows published an article on upgrading to Windows 7
Hardware Zone takes a look at the changes between Windows 7 Beta and Windows 7 Release Candidate
Microsoft has released Windows 7 Release Candidate as public download
Gizmondo posted benchmarks of Windows 7 Release Candidate 1 and Vista
Paul Thurrott published a news story that Microsoft will deliver Windows 7 in 2009
PC Pro reports that Windows 7 release candidate will not expire until 1st June 2010, giving testers more than a year's free access to Windows 7