Saw over at Neowin that Windows 7 has completely sold out of pre-orderable copies in Japan
Mary-Jo Foley posted a news story that the Windows 7 upgrade offer for Windows Vista PCs is only valid for the first 25 machines.
Long Zheng reports that Windows 7 gets Apple style guided tours
Paul Thurrott updated his Windows 7 FAQ
CNET News reports that Microsoft is considering offering Windows 7 on a thumb drive to allow Netbook owners to more easily upgrade their machines
Paul Thurrott published a comparison of Windows 7 Product Editions
Saw over at Neowin that electronics retailer Micro Center is offering Windows 7 pre-orders for $10 less than the pre-order standard prices.
Brandon LeBlanc posted the pricing of Windows 7
Stephen L Rose posted on the Windows Team Blog that Windows 7 Release Candidate downloads will end August 15th
OSNews reports that the source code to the UAC injection flaw in Windows 7 has been released
Paul Thurrott posted screenshots of Windows 7 Build 7232, which has been leaked earlier today
Neowin posted a news story that an RTM escrow build of Windows 7 has been leaked on the Internet
Neowin reports that another build of Windows 7 has been leaked on the Internet
Tech ARP posted details on Direct3D Improvements In Windows 7
CNET News posted a news story that Microsoft plans to remove Internet Explorer from the versions of Windows 7 that it ships in Europe
Neowin reports that Windows 7 build 7229 has been leaked on the Internet
Neowin reports that Windows 7 build 7227 has been leaked on the Internet
Neowin reports that the final box art design for Windows 7 has shown up on the official Microsoft Store page
Neowin reports that another build of Windows 7 has been leaked on the Internet
Hardware Zone posted a news story that NVIDIA demonstrated their GPUs under Windows 7