takes a look at Windows 7 takes a look at Netflix Instant Streaming in Windows 7
TechSpot posted Dual Boot Windows 7 with XP/Vista in three easy steps takes a look at the Windows 7 Security Features
Paul Thurrott posted part 12 of his Windows 7 review
CodenameWindows reports that Microsoft Mentions Windows 7 SP1 and Vista SP3 take a look at the biggest change to Windows Explorer: Libraries.
Ed Bott has test-drive the final version of Windows 7 on 10 systems
Paul Thurrott posted part 11 of his Windows 7 review
ZDNet reports that Iolo Technlogies said its lab unit found that a new machine running Windows 7 takes one minute and 34 seconds to become usable, as compared to one minute and six seconds for Windows Vista.
Paul Thurrott posted part 10 of his Windows 7 review
Paul Thurrott posted part 9 of his Windows 7 review posted an upgrade guide to Windows 7
Brandon LeBlanc posted a blog entry that Windows XP Mode has been release to manufacturing today
Paul Thurrott published part 8 of his Windows 7 review
Paul Thurrott posted part 7 of his Windows 7 review
Microsoft has released the first update for Windows 7, which resolve issues with non-compatible applications
TestFreaks posted a comparison of Windows Xp, Vista, and 7
iGadget Life compared the performance of Windows 7 on a Netbook with 1 gig and 2gig
Neowin posted a news story that it can take up to 21 hours to upgrade to Windows 7