Computerworld posted a story that Microsoft has ditched the 30-day grace period in the retail copies of Windows 8
Ars Technica posted a review on Windows 8 RTM posted a hands on review on the final version of Windows 8 posted a high-resolution screenshot gallery of Microsoft's Windows 8 RTM
Microsoft has released a trial version of Windows 8 Enterprise (Final)
Neowin reports that today at around 9AM PDT, MSDN and TechNet subscribers will be able to download and check out Windows 8
According to a new rumor, the Microsoft Surface tablet for Windows RT may cost only $199
Computerworld reports that Microsoft today said that Windows RT, the spin-off of Windows 8, has been completed and will power ARM processor-equipped shows you how to edit the Win-X menu in Windows 8
Neowin reports that Microsoft has already started development work on Windows 9
All About Microsoft posted a story that Microsoft has changed the name of its Metro design language to Windows 8
Neowin reports that the Windows 8 RTM language packs has been leaked
Engadget reports that Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 8 will include 'do not track' by default
Neowin reports that the Chinese edition of Windows 8 RTM has been leaked as well
The Verge posted an image of the Windows 8 packaging
Neowin posted a story that WZOR has confirmed that all of the editions of Windows 8 RTM that have leaked over the weekend can now be activated with a workaround
Computerworld reports that Microsoft has blocked a popular work-around that let users boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop
Neowin reports that another four images of Windows 8 have leaked
Neowin posted a story that Russian leaker WZOR has now announced that the x64 version of Windows Server 2012 (Standard and Datacenter) has too leaked to the web
Neowin reports that after a leak of the Enterprise N version, a walkthrough video has been created showing off the OS