Windows Vista 1013 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

With Windows Vista nearing its first release candidate in preparation for a final launch early next year, Microsoft is providing more details about possible upgrade paths. Of note: Windows 2000 cannot be upgraded to Vista.

While Windows 2000 Professional customers may purchase a cheaper "upgrade" copy of Microsoft next-generation operating system, Windows Vista must be "clean installed," which means users will need to back up their files and data manually and then copy everything into place. Applications will also need to be re-installed.

Microsoft Details Vista Upgrade Paths

Windows Vista 1013 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Microsoft will provider tools which allow to customizing the language locale in Windows Vista

]quote]This is something I really like to see:MS being a conscientious global citizen through innovation by taking into account languages and cultures from across the globe, regardless of their pervasiveness or the size of the "market" they represent.
Customizing Your Language Locale in Windows Vista

Windows Vista 1013 Published by Bob 0

Microsoft has designed Microsoft Windows Vista deployment enhancements to make deploying a new operating system less complicated than ever. Tools, technology, and guidance reduce the challenges commonly faced during deployments, making it easier for IT organizations to provide their users all of the security and productivity features that Windows Vista offers.

Improved Deployment Features in Windows Vista