Microsoft has released new updates for Windows Vista
Microsoft's Nick White posted an update on yesterday's WGA server outage
Heise Online reports that Gabe Newell, president of Valve Software, said in an interview that Microsoft made a terrible mistake releasing DirectX 10 for Vista only and excluding Windows XP.
Computerworld posted a news story that the Microsoft WGA servers have currently some problems
Microsoft updated their Windows Vista Step-by-Step Guides for IT Professionals
Microsoft published a PowerPoint presentation that will help you to prepare for and implement your testing process for Windows Vista compatibility testing.
PC Stats takes a look at Windows Vista ReadyBoost
CNET News published a news story that IT managers are saying "not so fast" as they move toward the OS
AeroXperience found an unusual Windows Vista Build while surfing on the Windows Hardware Developer Central website
istartedsomething reports that Windows Vista Service Pack 1 brings a few small user-interface enhancements
James Bannan of APC Mag posted an in-depth analysis of Windows Vista Service Pack 1
InfoWorld reports that computer researcher Peter Gutmann argued at the USENIX Security Symposium in Boston that content protection features in Windows Vista are preventing customers from playing high-def content take a look at both AMD and NVIDIA's drivers on Vista compared to Windows XP
Microsoft has released reliability and performance updates for Windows Vista
Update for Windows Vista (KB938194)
Update for Windows Vista (KB938194)
Tech ARP updated their Windows Vista installation guide for beginners
OCModShop posted another Vista fix: Defeat 'COM Surrogate Has Stopped Working' Errors when Playing Videos in Vista
Installing this update enables your computer to automatically adjust the computer clock on the correct date in 2007 due to revised Daylight Saving Time laws in many countries.
Update for Windows Vista (KB933360)
Update for Windows Vista (KB933360)
Installing this update enables your computer to automatically adjust the computer clock on the correct date in 2007 due to revised Daylight Saving Time laws in many countries.
Update for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems (KB933360)
Update for Windows Vista for x64-based Systems (KB933360)
OCModShop posted a new guide: How to Move the Windows Mail Storage Folder in Vista
Windows Vista's share of online users has increased every month this year, while rival Mac OS X -- to which Vista has often been compared -- has shown little, if any, growth, a metrics company reports.
Vista use grows as Mac OS X stays flat
Vista use grows as Mac OS X stays flat