Long Zheng takes a look at a new administrative tool that Windows Vista Service Pack 1 provides to create a recovery disc.
Microsoft updated their Windows Vista Step-by-Step Guides for IT Professionals to version 4.4
DailyTech reports that Microsoft has released Vista SP1 Beta to select testers
OCModShop posted a Vista guide: Use Check Boxes to Select Files in Vista
Elite Bastards posted part 4 of their Windows Vista 3D graphics performance article series
CNET News posted a news story that Microsoft quietly allowing PC makers to offer a downgrade option to buyers that get machines with the new operating system but want to switch to Windows XP.
Tech Hounds posted an article on Vista's I/O Performance
Microsoft updated their Windows Vista Step-by-Step Guides for IT Professionals
Elite Bastard posted part 3 of their Windows Vista 3D graphics performance article series
ENTMag reports that Microsoft will unveil three security enhancements as part of its upcoming Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) release, slated for early 2008.
Microsoft published a developer's guide about developing background services for Windows Vista
ZDNet published an article on Windows Vista Service Hardening
Paul Thurrott updated his Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1) FAQ
Microsoft has released BITS Repair Tool for Windows Vista
Paul Thurrott posted a preview on Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta
Microsoft has published an overview of Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta
CNET News published a news story that Windows Vista Service Pack 1 remains an important signal for some businesses that the operating system has reached a level of maturity.
Nick White posted an announcement on Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta
InfoWorld reports that the latest build of Windows Vista's first service pack has been leaked
PC Stats published an article on Windows Vista's memory usage