Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Since the dawn of the PC era, various companies have undertaken various initiatives to move computing away from keyboard and mouse-based input and towards the more natural interfaces of pen and voice. And while voice computing has seen some limited success, pen computing is set to explode with the introduction of Microsoft's Tablet PC platform, driven by a new Windows XP version logically named Windows XP Tablet PC Edition.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Here we go again? Shortly after the beta of WinXP Service Pack 1 was released, locking out installations using leaked activation keys, a workaround with what appears to be a replacement key began circulating on IRC.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The beta of Service Pack 1 for Windows XP has now shipped to testers and, as previously advertised, it declines to install if you're using a leaked WinXP licence key. But - again as previously advertised - it doesn't deactivate your installation, just stops you applying the service pack.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

MICROSOFT ON FRIDAY announced it will release a beta of its first service pack for Windows XP late this month that contains a wide assortment of new bug fixes and features, as well as the first changes that bring the operating system into compliance with the government's consent decree.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Saw over NeoWin that Microsoft sends Windows XP SP1 beta testing invitations

Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Microsoft this summer will institute some changes to Windows XP as part of a proposed settlement agreement meant to benefit consumers and increase competition. But some state trustbusters and Microsoft's chief rivals aren't convinced that those changes go far enough.

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