Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Microsoft execs in recent months have been adamant that Windows XP Service Pack 2 -- which Redmond officials previously said to expect this fall -- is not to be considered an interim version of Windows. But if customers don't' get SP2 until 2004 (and Longhorn client till 2005), one might assume that SP2 for XP is, indeed, the rumored "Shorthorn" interim version of Windows.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

For the 16th year in a row, PC Magazine surveyed thousands of users to get a read on which PC vendors provide the best service and reliability. Dell and Apple lead the pack. But Microsoft plays a key supporting role, with Windows XP pushing reliability to new levels, according to the survey.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Microsoft plans to retool its Windows XP operating system so that two people can run applications on the same machine concurrently, an important step toward the company's goal of transforming the PC into a home entertainment centre.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Microsoft announced support for AMD processors last year, but the omission of support for AMD in the release-to-manufacture version of Windows Server 2003 unveiled last week led observers to wonder if Microsoft would follow through on its plans. Beta releases of the operating systems are expected in the middle of 2003, Microsoft said in a press release.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Because of changes made in SP1 to Windows XP's memory management system, programs that affect large blocks of memory may take up to ten times longer to load on a system running SP1 than on one without, Microsoft said. The company detailed the problem on its support Web site in a recently posted Knowledge Base article, "Programs Run Slower After You Install Windows XP SP-1" (article #815411).

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Windows XP 661 Published by 0

Windows XP, which is replacing Windows 98 and putting the Microsoft desktop on a single code-base, "will save the industry a huge amount of money," said Brian Valentine, senior vice president of Microsoft's Windows division, at the IT Forum in Copenhagen.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Gateway, gamer PC specialist Alienware and two smaller manufacturers are releasing computers bundled with the entertainment-centric version of Windows XP, an important step in Microsoft's latest attempt to colonize the living room.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 1 contains new features that allow embedded developers to add remote management capabilities and estimate the impact of additional components on a device's software image, said Keith White, senior director of marketing for the Embedded and Appliance Platforms Group at Microsoft.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

Baseline has the story of how Microsoft will be funding TVO (Total Value of Ownership) studies with the stated goal of promoting sales of Windows XP; wags could point out how necessary this is when Windows XP doesn't fare too well in TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) measurements.

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Windows XP 661 Published by Philipp Esselbach 0

The Windows XP Corporate Deployment Tools ( assists system administrators in installing Windows XP on multiple computers. This file contains updates to Setup Manager, the Sysprep utility, and related documentation.
