Microsoft resumes XP, Vista updates
Company had delayed release of latest Windows XP service pack and stopped automatic updates of Vista Service Pack 1 because of compatibility problem.
Microsoft resumes XP, Vista updates
Microsoft resumes XP, Vista updates reports that the XP SP3 slipstream process on a WIndows Vista machine is not working properly
While Microsoft makes users wait for the official version of Windows XP SP3 (Service Pack 3), the update has been widely distributed on pirate sites and can still be found and downloaded from Microsoft's servers.
Windows XP SP3 still AWOL, but resides on Microsoft servers
Windows XP SP3 still AWOL, but resides on Microsoft servers
Microsoft has delayed the release of a third service pack for Windows XP, blaming a compatibility issue between the software and a retail-chain-management application.
Microsoft delays release of Windows XP SP3
Microsoft delays release of Windows XP SP3
Comments by Steve Ballmer at a press conference in Europe on Thursday have led to speculation that Microsoft is reconsidering its June 30 deadline to stop selling most new Windows XP licenses. A spokeswoman from Microsoft's public relations firm said Thursday that there is no plan for a change in deadline, however.
No change in Windows XP plan despite Ballmer comment
No change in Windows XP plan despite Ballmer comment
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said Thursday that the company may reconsider its decision to stop selling Windows XP on June 30.
Microsoft may keep XP alive after all
Microsoft may keep XP alive after all
Thanks DosFreak. Microsoft has released Windows XP Service Pack 3 on the MSDN Subscriber Downloads website.
Windows XP Service Pack 3 on MSDN
Windows XP Service Pack 3 on MSDN
In a repeat of a February donnybrook over SP1 (Service Pack 1) for Windows Vista IT professionals and developers are blasting Microsoft's decision to withhold the final version of Windows XP SP3 (Service Pack 3) from them until after it's released to the public.
TechNet subscribers rip Microsoft over XP SP3 'farce'
TechNet subscribers rip Microsoft over XP SP3 'farce'
DailyTech takes a look at Windows XP Service Pack 3
Microsoft Monday completed work on Windows XP SP3. The company said the final code of the service pack has been released to manufacturing and now is working its way to OEMs and corporate customers. Access via Microsoft's Automatic Update feature will begin April 29.
Microsoft says XP SP3 complete, available imminently
Microsoft says XP SP3 complete, available imminently
Microsoft has released an update to automatically adjust the computer clock on the correct date due to revised Daylight Saving Time laws
Tech ARP published the planned RTM schedule of Windows XP SP3
Tech ARP posted a simple guide on how you can get Windows XP to automatically log you in everytime it boots up
Despite Microsoft's relentless efforts in promoting Windows Vista, Windows XP is still going strong and is unlikely to go away anytime soon. So, here's a really useful tip for those of you who are still using Windows XP.Automatically Logging Into Windows XP
If you are one of those who have always wished you do not have to log into Windows XP manually, here's a simple guide on how you can get Windows XP to automatically log you in everytime it boots up. Just follow the simple steps and you will no longer need to do so.
Microsoft confirmed Thursday that it will extend the sales of Windows XP Home to OEMs beyond the current deadline of June 30, 2008, to accommodate a new class of ULPCs (ultra-low-cost PCs) that are just beginning to pepper the market.
Microsoft extends Windows XP through 2010 for ultra-low-cost laptops
Microsoft extends Windows XP through 2010 for ultra-low-cost laptops
Microsoft's decision to extend availability of its Windows XP Home OS for ULPCs (ultra-low-cost PCs) gives developers a chance to bring applications to a broader set of Windows systems, a Microsoft official said Thursday.
Windows XP Home extension could boost developers
Windows XP Home extension could boost developers
Microsoft may be set to extend Windows XP's availability for low-cost laptops and a new generation of handheld devices, but it won't give the aged operating system a general reprieve from its June 30 retail and OEM cut-off, analysts said Tuesday.
Another Windows XP reprieve unlikely
Another Windows XP reprieve unlikely
Microsoft updated their Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview white paper
Microsoft releases a new test version of the Windows XP update, with final availability still slated for sometime in the first half of this year.
XP Service Pack 3 remains in testing
XP Service Pack 3 remains in testing
Deadline looms for large computer makers to stop including the older operating system on new PCs, but a number of signs suggest Microsoft will have to extend that deadline again.
Windows XP may get another reprieve
Windows XP may get another reprieve
Microsoft will release Windows XP Service Pack 3 during the second half of April, according to a report from a Web site that has correctly predicted recent Windows ship dates.
Windows XP SP3 due next month, says report
Windows XP SP3 due next month, says report