Tech ARP posted an editorial about High Definition Audio Support In Windows XP SP3.
Microsoft has put limits on the types of PCs that can be downgraded to Windows XP after June 30, Dell said Tuesday, a restriction that means it will offer home users the option only on machines designed for gamers.
Microsoft calls shots on Windows XP downgrades, says Dell
Microsoft calls shots on Windows XP downgrades, says Dell
Microsoft has released an update for Windows XP to resolve an issue in VBScript/JScript scripts from CScript WScript hosts
Three of the top four PC sellers worldwide plan to sell systems with Windows XP right up to the Microsoft-mandated deadline of June 30.
Top OEMs to sell Windows XP PCs down to the wire
Top OEMs to sell Windows XP PCs down to the wire
Symantec Thursday released a free tool that wipes spurious entries from Windows registry that had crippled some PCs running the company's security software after they were upgraded to Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) or Vista SP1.
Symantec tool cleans up Windows XP SP3 registry corruption
Symantec tool cleans up Windows XP SP3 registry corruption
After a popular technology Web site reported that Microsoft was logging calls from customers who requested that the company extend the retail availability of Windows XP, some users claimed that they couldn't get through to the support lines.
Microsoft denies it's running call-in 'save XP' petition
Microsoft denies it's running call-in 'save XP' petition
Microsoft has released a new update to resolve an issue with Internet Explorer 7 under Windows XP with IME enabled
Tech ARP has posted a new editorial: Cannot Drag-and-Drop In Windows XP?!
The latest service pack for Windows XP continues to cause problems for users. According to an online user forum, the latest glitch in Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) causes problems with the remote desktop access feature of Windows Home Server.
Users report more trouble with Windows XP SP3
Users report more trouble with Windows XP SP3
In the four months since InfoWorld asked businesses and individuals to sign a petition at requesting Microsoft keep Windows XP for sale beyond the planned June 30 general end-of-sales date, more than 200,000 have signed up to add their voices. As of May 15, the count was 200,805 signatures, excluding duplicates and fake signups.
More than 200,000 demand Microsoft save XP
More than 200,000 demand Microsoft save XP
Microsoft's having a tough year with reboots. First it was a reboot ad infinitum in February, brought on by a flawed update to Windows Vista. Now the same things happening to some users who have updated to Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3).
Windows XP SP3 reboot hell (and how to get out of it)
Windows XP SP3 reboot hell (and how to get out of it)
Microsoft blames computer makers for some of the problems users have encountered after updating to Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3), according to a company support document.
Microsoft faults OEMs for some XP SP3 endless reboots
Microsoft faults OEMs for some XP SP3 endless reboots
Microsoft has released an update to fix an issue with Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP Service Pack 2
Installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 sends some PCs into an endless series of reboots, according to posts to a Microsoft support forum.
XP SP3 cripples some PCs with endless reboots
XP SP3 cripples some PCs with endless reboots
Microsoft has warned users updating to Windows XP SP3 (Service Pack 3) that they won't be able to downgrade from Internet Explorer 7 to the older IE6 without uninstalling the service pack.
Microsoft warns of IE7 lock-in with XP SP3
Microsoft warns of IE7 lock-in with XP SP3
Microsoft has released an updated MUI pack for Windows XP Service Pack 3
Microsoft has released a checked build of Windows XP Service Pack 3 for developers
Microsoft officially released Windows XP Service Pack 3
Microsoft has released Windows XP Service Pack 3 Network Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers
Microsoft published an overview of Windows XP Service Pack 3