Businesses that still have workstations using Windows XP should make their migration to either Windows 7 or 8 a priority
Microsoft is still attempting to fix a bug in Windows XP that has caused SVCHOST to push the CPU of a PC to 100 percent usage in clean installs of Windows XP SP3
Microsoft again put the scare into Windows XP users, telling them that after April 8, 2014, the chance that malware will infect their PCs could jump by two-thirds.
Google today stuck a finger in Microsoft's eye, telling users of Windows XP that its Chrome browser will support their aged operating system a year longer than will Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
Windows XP lost over two percent of its worldwide OS market share in September 2013, according to Net Applications, while Windows 8 made a slight percentage gain in the same month
During today's financial analyst meeting, Microsoft said that Windows XP currently has 21 percent of the worldwide OS market share, with the goal of cutting that down to below 13 percent by April 8
With roughly seven months to go until Windows XP's end-of-life deadline, an alternative to Microsoft support has appeared in the form of Arkoon's EXP.
Maybe people are listening to Microsoft's demand that they ditch Windows XP.
Who is still running Windows XP and why? If you're not a large customer with a Premier Support contract, don't count on custom security patches after April 2014.
Cyber criminals will bank their Windows XP zero-day vulnerabilities until after Microsoft stops patching the aged operating system next April, a security expert argued today.
Computerworld reports that 65% of companies in China still run Windows XP
Amazon UK reports that the Xbox One is ahead with 2.4 per cent more pre-order sales than Sony's rivaling console
Computerworld posted a story that Microsoft will likely generate revenue from the disappearance of XP according to an analyst with IDC
Computerworld posted a story that Microsoft today kicked off a new promotion aimed at Windows XP customers
The Inquirer posted a story that the extended support for Windows XP will end in one year
The decline in usage share of Windows XP, which is slated for retirement in 53 weeks, has slowed significantly, hinting that millions of its users will hold onto the operating system much longer than some, including Microsoft, expect.
Computerworld reports that some security researchers wonder if Microsoft will indeed retire Windows XP on April 8, 2014.
Computerworld posted a story that the support for Windows XP will end April 8, 2014, when Microsoft serves users with their final security updates.
Windows XP is still the number one most used PC operating system in the world with 46.08 percent of the market share worldwide, while Windows 7 continues to gain users.
A new report claims that the market share for Microsoft's Windows XP actually went up among other PC operating systems worldwide in January 2012 while Windows 7's share went down.