Singing The WiFi Blues General 8066 Published 2006-04-10 10:42 by Philipp Esselbach News Comments 1 #163953 martouf 2006-04-10 16:00 cellular phones operate at 3 to 30GHz just like microwave ovens? ??no. wrong. bzzzt! next contestant, thank you for playing.FUDmonger is the best summary of the article. 0 0
#163953 martouf 2006-04-10 16:00 cellular phones operate at 3 to 30GHz just like microwave ovens? ??no. wrong. bzzzt! next contestant, thank you for playing.FUDmonger is the best summary of the article. 0 0
no. wrong. bzzzt! next contestant, thank you for playing.
FUDmonger is the best summary of the article.