Security 10829 Published by

How lame of the idiots that write that stuff... attacking Microsoft!

I guess, in this field FULL of 'geek angst', you get what you get: Immature idiots that write destructo-ware, after copying the code of the original (showing an UTTER lack of creativity & genius on their parts additionally mind you) & altering it for havoc!

Why not use programming skills to make useful software they could sell, or freeware they could give away to gain notoriety @ least for? Maybe... just maybe, because they are NOT that skilled to begin with!

I mean, anyone that writes these things? Is quite unintelligent, & should read "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley & realize that your OWN "MONSTER" can come back to bite you & yours!

(My 'rant-for-the-day' today... malware/spyware/virus 'bug' me & so do their creators!)
