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After a short installation period was the program ready to use. WinBackup installation is a pretty small program and takes only 2,5MB on the hard disk.
First run
The first thing that I noticed is the backup wizard.
The backup wizard explains you step by step how to create a backup
First you need to create a new backup job. Then you can add or remove files which you like to backup by clicking on the "Add/Remove Files" tab.
I selected drive C: (which contents my Windows XP installation) for a backup
WinBackup calculated the total file size as well the estimated compressed size of all select files. In our example a backup would take 2,7GB.
To continue with the backup, you need to click on the "Backup Jobs" tab again. Now you need to select a backup device.
WinBackup offers two options to backup your data:
To the hard disk in a .WBB file or
to CD-R/RW or DVD-R/RW. Unfortunately, there is no tape device support yet.
Clicking on "Run Backup" will start the backup. As soon the backup is finished, a window with the backup log appears.