The-Ctrl-Alt-Del send words that the new Pentum 4 has some compatibility issues with the Voodoo 5500.
Voodoo3/4/5 products are compatible with AGP 1x, 2x, and 4x universal connectors. They are fully compatible with all AMDRead moreand Intel processors, including Intel´s new Pentium 4. However, our current boards are not compatible with AGP 1.5 Volt ONLY connectors. This connector provides 1.5 Volt signaling to the socket and is physically keyed differently to prevent other AGP boards that required 3.3 Volt signaling from being plugged into the AGP 1.5 Volt only sockets. Unfortunately, the core logic chip for Intel´s Pentium 4 does not support 3.3 Volt signaling on the AGP Bus.The Voodoo4 4500 features a universal PCB and is compatible with all Pentium 4 motherboards. The Voodoo3 product family and the Voodoo5 5500 boards feature a 3.3 Volt only PCB and in most cases will not fit in the new Pentium 4 motherboards. 3dfx does not advise the purchase either Voodoo3 or Voodoo5 products for Pentium 4 systems.