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ITreviewed posted a review on the 3M Vikuiti Netbook Filter

We should all take computer privacy more seriously. I'm sure that like me, if you're sitting in a coffee shop or commuting on a train with your netbook, you don't want people glancing over to see what you're working on, even if it's just browsing the Web or updating your Facebook account. At the end of the day, the personal computer was given its name for a reason. 3M's Vikuiti privacy filters for netbooks are just as effective as those for laptops (which have been around for years by the way). They are easy to install, lightweight and work very well for what they are designed for - guarding against unwanted sideways glances from folk sitting next to you. The filters also have a couple of positive side effects: protecting the fragile surface of LCD screens from scuffs and scratches and reducing glare by up to 99%. And if you have a glossy screen and you don't like it, here's one way to get that old-fashioned anti-reflective look back. They're pricey, however, but you can't put a price on your data.
3M Vikuiti Netbook Filter Review